Monitoring and reporting: introduction to the discussion paper Andrew Farmer 19 November 2015 “Make it Work” Workshop Brussels.


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Presentation transcript:

Monitoring and reporting: introduction to the discussion paper Andrew Farmer 19 November 2015 “Make it Work” Workshop Brussels

2 Overview Presentation providing an introduction to the discussion paper Stimulate discussion in this workshop (and beyond!) Why undertake reporting, what do we report, who and how? Principles and other issues to guide development of reporting provisions at EU level

3 Reporting and monitoring Focus of discussion is on reporting – moving information from one actor to another But a reporting requirement often drives collection of information (monitoring) In thinking of consequences of reporting requirements – cannot divorce some monitoring issues

4 Why report? To demonstrate compliance with a legal obligation. To determine if the objectives of legislation are being achieved including, where appropriate, contribution to the level playing field. To help inform the understanding of an issue and so help to improve decision making and inform policy evaluation. Providing specific information to the public at EU level.

5 What to report Whatever is needed to deliver the purpose DPSIR (drivers, pressures, state, impacts, response) cycle Most EU env law requires reporting on pressures, state and response Problems: – Not always clear the purpose of reporting – Potentially old, too detailed, not detailed enough, not comparable, etc Good practice: – WISE; LCP and EPRTR inventories integration

6 Who and how report? Several actors from business to regional body to national body to EU level Processes to facilitate/integrate such data flows, e.g. INSPIRE But still can be problems in reporting similar information for different purposes Which actors does the burden most fall on? What good practice/solutions are there to improve efficiency of reporting?

7 Types of information at different scales

8 Principles for developing reporting provisions Value – information is of value Sufficiency – enough to do the job, but not more Proportionality – benefit compared to burden Coherence – objectives/processes across the acquis Timeliness – getting information when it is useful Continuity – ensuring trends/changes understood Consistency – definitions, timetables across acquis Comparability – enabling comparisons between MS Subsidiarity – decisions that should be at MS level

9 Other key issues Providing information to the public – how to link with reporting? How to improve approaches to developing provisions at EU level to avoid problems and take advantage of good solutions Improving feedback between providers and users