An escape and Inspiration Romanticizing the past and Striving for the future
Heroes Comic Books Batman Superman Radio Lone Ranger Romanticizes the west Little Orphan Annie Criticizes New Deal Advocates for some vigilantism
Literature Grapes of Wrath Native Son Gone With the Wind Little House on the Prairie
Movies Clark Gable (Gone With the Wind)Gone With the Wind Shirley Temple (Bright Eyes, Stand up and Cheer) Shirley Temple Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers King Kong The Mummy Frankenstein
Sports Baseball Di Maggio Night Games begin, Radio broadcast of games begin First World Cup
Seabiscuit Most popular news story of the Great Depression Details Small Lazy Over-Eats Rider is too big Injury and Return
Important inventions Sticky tape Helicopter Electric Razor Nylon Ballpoint pens Monopoly
Radio Shows The Radio was the only form of mass communication and in home entertainment in the 1930s No TV, Internet, Facebook, Cell Phones, Twitter Telephones were not universal Movies were not widespread What images come to mind during the program? What about this show made it so convincing? Would this be possible today? Click