English as a lingua franca Lingua Inglese 2 LM modulo B
EFLELF Part of modern foreign languages Part of World Englishes Deficit perspectiveDifference perspective Metaphors of transfer and L1/L2 interference Metaphors of contact and evolution Code mixing and switching are interference errprs Code-mixing and switching are bilingual resources
Lexical innovation new collocations, words, morphemes Pragmatic skill – accommodation strategies, code-switching and priority of communication over correctness Greater comprehensibility In international contexts, competent ELF speakers may be more comprehensible than native speakers because they can adjust their language for people with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds
NS TEACHERNNS TEACHER May speak more correct and fluent English May speak less correct and fluent english Feels confident of own knowledge of english May feel less confident of own knowledge of english May speak an inappropriate variety of english Is likely to speak an appropriate variety of english May not be familiar with student’s L1 culture Will be familiar with student’s L1 culture Cannot serve as a role modelCan serve as a role model
Teachers should be competent and fluent speakers of international English (whatever that is) Fluent in the student’s L! and familiar with the student’s home culture A good teacher (able to manage a classroom, write interesting materials, assess students)
World standard english model? Internationally acceptable lexis Grammatical rules based on commonly accepted standards (American?) Pronunciation standards based on international comprehensibility
Locally produced materials Internationally acceptable English International contexts not just British and American sources A mix of native and non-native accents of English for listening
Is English becoming more homogenous or is it fragmenting? Mobility produces more dialect contact which produces levelling of english (more homogenous) but mobility also produces more outside influences which produce more change (more fragmentation) British and American core english are still the prestige varieties of English NS of English may adopt ELF usage – informations, discuss about The future of english lies with its international speakers