Last night I was trick-or-treating, I stumbled over a broom. I did not realize it at the time, but it turned out it was a witches magic broom! You will never believe what happened next I was a sleep on a black bed. When I opened one eye then the other, a purple witch was starring at me! I screamed. She looked like she was hungry. But before she came near I said why are you purple. Because I'm a meat eater not vegetarian she said. Oh so does that mean your going to eat me. No silly I met like chicken and steak and little girls not little boys there to sour. So you want some steak. Sure I said. Oh no I said my mom is going to be worried, I have to go. Bye she said. I rushed home. My mom was mad, I told her want happen, but of course she didn’t believe me.
That night I Saw her. I waved and she put a note on my floor, that said I will see you in 2 years. You’re the only friend I ever had.