What Constitutes the Structure of an Economy The sum of all the different economic activities within the boundaries of an area (city, region or country) constitutes the structure of an economy.
Turkish Economy in Brief Turkey’s economy is a mix of modern industry and commerce, along with the traditional agriculture sector. Turkey has a robust and ever-developing private sector, and the state is a major contributor to industry, banking, transport and communication.
General Economic Indicators Economic Growth (GDP, annual var. in %) Inflation (CPI, annual variation in %) Exchange Rate (TRY per USD, eop) Current Account (% of GDP)
Anual Variation in Gross Domestic Product (%)
Exchange Rate (Lira vs. US Dollar)
Current Account Balance (% of GDP)
Real Sector Private Consumption (annual var. in %) Fixed Investment (annual variation in %) Industrial Production (annual variation in %) Unemployment (eop, % of active population)
Annual Variation in Industrial Production (%)
Annual Variation in Consumption (%)
Unemployment Rate
External Trade Trade Balance (USD bn) Exports (annual variation in %) Imports (annual variation in %) Int. Reserves (months of imports) External Debt (% of GDP)
Trade Balance (Difference between exports and imports)
International Reserves (Months of Imports)
External Debt (% of GDP)
Composition of GDP
Composition of Manufacturing Employment
2010 Growth in GDP (%) Source: IMF World Economic Outlook April 2011, Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat)
Forecast in GDP Growth ( ) Source: OECD Economic Outlook No: 86
GDP (USD billion) Per capita GDP (USD billion) Number of Enterprises Export (USD billion) Export per worker ((USD billion) Industry share in export10%92% Number of Exporters Tourism Revenue (USD billion) Ranking in the world (in terms of GDP)25th21st17th Table: Indicators of Turkish Economy Source: EIU, TUIK, TIM
FDI in Turkey: Upward Trend in FDI Inflows $ billion ‘000