Welcome to Class!! AP English Language & Composition/WR121? ~Mrs. Prince
December 8, 2015 Introduction to class Syllabus Class Expectations Class Website: Warm-up: Introduce yourself! Homework: “Write Me a Letter” Due: Wednesday, December 8, at the beginning of class.
Warm-Up Activity Materials: 3x5 index card Write the following information on your 3x5 index card: 1.Your Full Name 2.Your Nickname 3.Your Favorite movie of ALL time(with a brief explanation) 4.Favorite flavor of ice cream 5.One of your heroes(with a brief explanation)
Warm-Up Activity 1.Kelly Margaret Prince 2.K, Kel, Prince, Princess 3.Wizard of Oz 4.Bavarian Raspberry Ripple—no longer made or Chocolate Malted Crunch 5.Charlene Williamson a.Grew up during the Depression; oldest of 6 kids b.Loved me unconditionally c.Positive role model d.Strength & Fight
Introduce Yourself to the Class During this time, you will each stand up & read your information to the class. Please project your voice so that everyone can hear you. As the Audience, it is important to listen carefully to each person. Show them respect through your eye contact & body language.
Write Me a Letter! Greetings! I want to welcome you to my class this trimester. For your 1 st assignment, I want you to write me a letter. The purpose of this letter is for me to get to know you a little better. Your letter should be at least 200 words in length and typed. You do not need to specifically answer the questions below, but these questions may help you to think about what you want to include in your letter.
What do you like about school? What do you not like about school? What kind of classes do you typically enjoy in school? What kind of expectations do you have for yourself concerning school? Do you like to read? What do you like to read?
Do you like to write? What do you like to write? If you were struggling in my class—earning a low or failing grade—what could I do as your teacher to help you? What kinds of things do you like to do outside of school? What goals, hopes, dreams, etc., do you have for your future? I look forward to reading your letter!