Welcome back! Please quietly find a seat. Don’t get too comfortable! We’ll be moving soon.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome back! Please quietly find a seat. Don’t get too comfortable! We’ll be moving soon.

Speed “dating” - Round 1 1. Introduce yourself (It’s not silly to shake their hand and say your first and last name) 2. What was your favorite part of the break? 3. What are you going to miss the most about break? 4. What are you most looking forward to this semester?

Speed “Dating” - Round 2 1. Introduce yourself 2. What was your favorite part of the break? 3. What goal do you have for yourself going into this semester of school?

Speed “dating” - round 3 1. Introduce yourself 2. What was your favorite part of the break? 3. What is a movie or a book you have seen or read lately that you really liked? Why? 4. What are you most looking forward to this semester?

in your Assigned groups Re-read the selection used to write the SAQ together. 2. Read the four SAQs your were given. 3. Discuss the good and the bad. 4. Order them from least successful in answering the question to most successful. DO NOT WRITE ON THESE SAQs! They’re a class set!

Homework/Misc. Turn in your copy of TKAM Pick up a notebook just like this one. Bring to class ASAP!

Next time in English I… Hour of Code Promo Hour of Code Celebs