CDI Presentation to Graduate Research Education Programme Inventing Communities: The Challenges Ahead February 18 th 2011
Consortium of 23 people. Needs assessment, audit of services, strategy developed. €15 million committed from The Atlantic Philanthropies and the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs.
Early Years Service. Healthy Schools Programme. Early Intervention SLT. Doodle Den Literacy (Senior Infants). Mate-Tricks ProSocial Behaviour Programme (4 th Class). Healthy Schools Programme. Community Safety Initiative. Safe and Healthy Place (Urban Planning). Quality Enhancement Programme.
Through rigorous evaluation, we will explore what works, why it works and how it works. CDI will recognise and value the contribution made by, and the commitment of, those living and working in the community. We will support, promote and enhance quality, innovative services which will meet the needs of children and families in West Tallaght and improve outcomes for the community. CDI will encourage collaboration and shared learning amongst all stakeholders; raise awareness of roles and responsibilities; share information; challenge how we work and find solutions together, in order to deliver more effective services and influence policy.
Population is significantly younger than in most other areas (e.g. 31% (7,494) are aged between 0-14 years. National average = 20% (CSO, 2006)); Local authority rented housing accounted for approximately 43% of all households across Tallaght West (2006) compared to a national average of just 7.2% (CSO, 2006); 19% aged 18+ years have primary level education only compared to a national average of 17.4%; 200% increase in the number of individuals aged less than 25 years who signed onto the Unemployment Live Register (i.e. 964 in 2006 to 2,433 in 2009) (CSO, 2011); Overall crime rates fell in 2008 in comparison to 2007; A continuing incidence of antisocial behaviour reported across local authority estates in South County Dublin (May, June, July, August and September being the most active months.)
CDI’s definition: All those living and working in Tallaght West: i.e Parents; Children and young people; Teachers; Statutory Organisations; Voluntary Sector; Community Activists etc; Local politicians, Councillors.
Because there are still communities experiencing consistent poverty; Because children in these communities continue to underachieve; Because we believe in the possibility of a society based on equity of opportunity and possibility.
Relationships:- Between sectors. Within sectors. Our Understanding of poverty:- Why it continues and how to improve outcomes for communities. Service Delivery:- Letting go of what isn’t working. Embracing innovation. Consolidating what we do well. Being community led vs evidence based. Management Processes:- Organisational readiness for change. How we recruit and support managers.
Overcoming lethargy/apathy; Research fatigue; Engaging stakeholders in meaningful dialogue about the way forward; Challenging each other to work better/smarter/more transparently; Economic climate; Organisational rather than individually based collaboration.
What is Needed? Hope: That things can get better. Leadership: How we can get there. Motivation:To be part of the solution. Evidence:To support what we do. Political Will:To do the right thing, not the popular thing.