Connections are loose for draining pump Water in From street Water out to house This is the setup for public water Pressure and the pump system turned off and drained Water to/from pressure buffer tank Pressure gage ~3 Bar
Connections must be locked first. Water in from street PUMP PRIMING: This is the setup for filling up the pipe from resevoir to pump with water before turning on the Pump for the first time after it was drained. Water pipe from resevoir After filling pipes close priming valve before turning on pump
Connections must be locked Water in from street to resevoir Water out to house This is setup for pump water pressure from Resevoir Water from resevoir Pressure Switch for pump bar bar Water to/from pressure buffer tank
Problem Water Pump system not operational. RISK: When public water pressure drops, rentees will be without water. To mitigate this risk we need to get this pump system working or at least know what to do to get it working when water pressure becomes unavailable. Step 1: have a plummer diagnose the problem, know the cause and have solution plan at hand. (this can probably be done while rentees are there or in between departure/arrival) The technical symptom: After pump priming and turning on pump, the pressure will not rise above 2 bar. While expected pressure up to 5-6 bar should be possible. When opening tap in the house no water comes out. Likely the problem is caused by a blocked water filter inside the resevoir. This filter need to be checked. Step 2: Find opportunity to fix the problem or fix when water pressure is lost.