New version of the Registration Module in the Participant Portal Francisco DE LA TORRE FRANCIA (REA) Participant Portal External User Group meeting September 9, 2013
Overview 1. Introduction 2. Organisation Registration 3. Next release: what changes? 4. Guided tour: self-registration and updating validated data 5. Preparation for H2020
1.Introduction The formerly called Unique Registration Facility (URF), hosted in the PP under the “organisations” tab, supports the validation of legal entities via: Data submission and documents upload over a web interface Generation of a Participant Identification Code (PIC) Nomination of the Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) It is the front-end platform used for the organisation’s interactions with the Commission DGs and Agencies, complemented by the back-office managed by the Validation Services of the REA
2.Organisation registration Uncontestably, one the success stories of FP7 implementation: 40,000 validated organisations; 30,000 nominated LEARs; centralised data collection; diminished administrative burden and contribution to a reduced TTG and TTP. Main working principles: fair and equal treatment of registered organisation (by constant and scrupulous application of the current legal framework) and data quality (supporting documents+verification) Only validated organisations can participate to FP7 indirect actions and are visible to the Commission's grant management tools.
3.What is new in the 09/09/13 release? Increased transparency between participants and the Validation Services: a direct communication channel via the new interface front/back-end. A project coordinator will be able to launch the self-registration (on behalf) of other applicants/participants. Nomination of LEAR becomes possible once the validation process is launched from the EU side.
3.2 What is new in the 09/09/13 release? Segregation of the “core” part (legal data) of an organisation from the specific information required for a particular EU Programme. This will allow other programmes to benefit from the registration module. Educational programmes are the first ones to join as from the new release, with two different access locations: Organisations wishing to take part in Research programmes will access the service from the PP.. Organisations wishing to take part in Education, Audiovisual and Culture programmes will access the registration module from the EACEA page on Europa
4. Guided tour through the self-registration and data updates
4. Preparation of H2020 If the new programme requires validation of specific attributes for a given organisation, these will be handled via the segregation principle implemented in the new release -> No need to revalidate FP7 validated organisations SME self-questionnaire to be offered also within the registration module LEAR nomination
Thank you for your attention