Chapter 16 Interest Groups. What are Interest Groups? An organized group that tries to influence public policy Are another linkage institution – just.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 16 Interest Groups

What are Interest Groups? An organized group that tries to influence public policy Are another linkage institution – just like parties and the media All exist outside govt, but heavily influence the workings of government. Unlike parties, have no legal or official status in the election process

Kinds of Organized Interests Public Interest Groups Economic Interest Groups Governmental Units Political Action Committees Multi-Issue versus Single Issue Groups

Differences Some promote a very specific cause such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) Some represent a large group such as the American Association of Retired People (AARP). Some are public interest groups such as League of Women Voters League of Women Voters

Business Groups, Corporations, and Associations Rise in business advocacy groups Most large corporations have Own governmental affairs department Own governmental affairs department Employ D.C.-based lobbyists to keep them apprised of legislation Employ D.C.-based lobbyists to keep them apprised of legislation Gave substantial soft money in the past Gave substantial soft money in the past Still use PACS, 527s, and thus contribute a great deal of money Still use PACS, 527s, and thus contribute a great deal of money

Organized Labor Began to emerge as powerful player early in the 20 th century Could turn out members Could turn out members Focus not only on labor issues, but also other issues of concern to its members Focus not only on labor issues, but also other issues of concern to its members More recently labor has lost some clout Membership down Membership down “pale, male, stale” “pale, male, stale”

What Do Interest Groups Do? Lobbying – try to influence legislation and persuade political leaders to support the group’s position Class Action Lawsuits – sue on behalf of public Make campaign contributions (incumbents) Use policy expertise – indispensable Testify at hearings Draft legislation

What do Interest Groups do? Link the public to the political process Shape policy goals Play a part in political campaigns through PACs and 527s. Unite politicians with same ideology NOT to settle differences or to find consensus Also – big part of the iron triangle of interest group, legislative committee and a federal agency.

Lobbying Congress Members of Congress targets of lobbyists Revolving Door - Many lobbyists former members One of the most effective is “grassroots” lobbying with members and others write letters, lobbying with members and others write letters, send telegrams, make phone calls – intended to pressure member to vote a certain way. send telegrams, make phone calls – intended to pressure member to vote a certain way.

Lobbying the Executive Branch As federal government has expanded, so has lobbying of the executive branch. Many potential access points Many potential access points Lobbyists seek influence at formation and implementation stages. Lobbyists seek influence at formation and implementation stages. An especially strong link exists between interest groups and regulatory agencies An especially strong link exists between interest groups and regulatory agencies Groups often monitor the implementation of the laws or policies they advocated. Groups often monitor the implementation of the laws or policies they advocated.

Lobbying the Courts Can take two forms: Filing amicus curiae briefs Filing amicus curiae briefs Interest groups also attempt to influence who is nominated and placed on the bench.

Protest and Radical Activism Some groups resort to more forceful, legal as well as illegal measures to attract attention to their cause. Sometimes violent, illegal protest (Boston Tea Party, Shays’ Rebellion) Sometimes violent, illegal protest (Boston Tea Party, Shays’ Rebellion) Civil Rights Movement Civil Rights Movement PETA PETA

Reform Congressional Lobbying Lobbying Disclosure Act, 1995 Employs a strict definition of lobbyist Employs a strict definition of lobbyist Requires lobbyists to: Requires lobbyists to: Register with the clerk of the House and the secretary of the Senate Report their clients and issues and the agency or house they lobbied Estimate the amount they are paid by each client Makes it easier for watchdog groups to track the lobbying activity Makes it easier for watchdog groups to track the lobbying activity

Election Activities Candidate recruitment and endorsements Getting out the vote Rating the candidates or office holders Political action committees Contribute to incumbents of both parties

What Makes An Interest Group Successful? Leaders Patrons and Funding Person who finances a group or individual activity Person who finances a group or individual activityMembers Collective goods Collective goods Free riders: potential members who fail to join a group because they can get the benefit, or collective good, sought by the group without contributing to it Free riders: potential members who fail to join a group because they can get the benefit, or collective good, sought by the group without contributing to it

What do Interest Groups and Political Parties have in common? Raise awareness and stimulate interest in public affairs Serves as links between members and government Provide information to the government Provide a channel for public participation Membership is non restrictive Help support political candidates

Differences between political parties and interest groups Fundamental goals of Interest Groups – Influence public policy Influence Congress/government Change Laws Represent their members’ interests – often very narrow Fundamental goals of Political Parties Elect people to office Gain control of government Huge role in selecting candidates – interest groups have no legal status in election process or in nominating candidates

How Interest Groups support Political Parties Monetary contributions (PAC donations) Organization/mobilization of people Media campaigns Information Independent committees/527s Independent expenditures Endorsement/recruitment of candidates

How does support of party help them achieve their own goals? Access/influence policymakers Have like-minded people/policy advocates in office Legislation that helps interest groups Iron Triangle = interest group, legislative committee, and the federal agency

Evaluation of Interest Groups Whether you think they are good or bad often depends on your view of the political process Is it elitist?– controlled by a few wealthy groups Is it pluralist?- many groups compete for and share power at any given time Is it hyperpluralist? – large number of groups slow down and complicate policy

Future of Interest Group ALWAYS be a part of American politics Probably see more regulation of 527s Definitely see more muscle flexed by corporations Internet - ? – has definitely connected people and allowed for more groups Rise in issue-oriented politics as we have higher levels of education and social change.

How much influence do they have? Depends... Pluralist – multitude of groups compete and share power at any given time Hyperpluralist – the large number of groups slows down and complicates the policy process Elite theorist – really only a few wealthy groups, or wealthy members have any influence