David P. Owen Grand Secretary 1 Secretary Workshop 2015/2016.


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Presentation transcript:

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 1 Secretary Workshop 2015/2016

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 2 Secretary Qualifications  Capable and willing to attend meetings on a regular basis  Willing to dedicate several hours a month to lodge business  Good understanding of the Washington Masonic Code  Possess some computer knowledge and have access to a computer if his lodge does not provide one  Able to speak loudly and clearly enough for all brothers to hear and understand  Keep good records including payments of dues, ordering and tracking supplies etc  Desire this office, not seeking it as a status symbol  Be a Past Master ?????

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 3 What Does a Lodge Secretary Need Required:  A willingness to work and both follow and lead  Minutes & Records Book  Membership Register Bylaw Alphabetical Order  Attendance Register/Tyler register  Account Book Each member Receipts Payment to Treasurer  Washington Masonic Code (WMC)

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 4 What Does a Lodge Secretary Need Essential:  Assistant  Computer with internet access  Directory of Lodges and GL Officers  List of Lodges, current

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 5 SECRETARY’s DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES “Each Lodge Secretary is always on a relentless quest to achieve excellence at every opportunity. It is when you feel you have all the answers that opportunity slips away” dpo

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 6 Secretaries’ Duties and Responsibilities  Duties: Everything the Master or the Officers are unwilling to do. Which is everything.  Responsibilities: Many-see WMC

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 7 DUTIES Section Secretary’s Duties. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:  Record, under the direction of the Master, all proceedings of the Lodge proper to be written at each communication and submit the same to the Lodge as provided in Sec B.L.,  Receive all monies paid into the Lodge and promptly pay the same to the Treasurer,  Attest the signature of the Master to all Masonic documents, when necessary,  Report to the Grand Secretary on the monthly report all suspensions and expulsions, and their causes and all information pertaining to plural members being elected, granted dimits, suspended, expelled or dropped N.P.D.,  Prepare and send to the Grand Secretary: A monthly return showing the dates of those elected, initiated, passed, raised, and enrolled new Masons, affiliations, reinstatements, and those dropped by death, expulsion, suspension and by N.P.D., A monthly return containing such other matters as may be required by the Grand Secretary; and A year end return on a form provided by the Grand Lodge,  Transmit to the Grand Secretary, immediately after every election, a certificate of the names and addresses of the officers to be installed,  Certify and affix the seal of the Lodge to all returns and the certificates of election made to the Grand Lodge,  Purchase from the Grand Secretary the requisite blank forms for petitions, dimits, certificates and diplomas; and  Act as Secretary of a Lodge Trial Committee.[Rev. 2003]

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 8 Responsibilities Sec B.L. Secretary's Books and Accounts. The Secretary shall keep the following books:  Minute and record books,  A Membership Register which shall contain the By-Laws and in which: Each member shall sign his name, in the order of his admittance, The Secretary shall record in alphabetical order, for each member of the Lodge:  Full name or names,  Present post office address,  Birthplace and Date of Birth,  Dates of initiation, passing, raising, and Master Mason proficiency, or the date of affiliation together with the name, number and location of Lodge of previous enrollment,  Age and occupation when received,  Name, number and location of any other Lodge or Lodges in which a member may also hold membership,  Dates of withdrawal, dropping from the roll, expulsion, suspension, restoration or death,  The full names of those expelled, suspended or restored; and  Member’s identification number of Grand Lodge and Endowed Life Membership certificate.  An attendance Register, to be kept in the Tyler’s Room, in which all members shall record their names, and all visitors shall record their names along with the names, numbers and locations of their respective Lodges, before entering the Lodge,  Account books as may be necessary to present clearly:  The account of each member of the Lodge,  The receipts of the Secretary,  The Secretary's payments to the Treasurer,  An updated copy of the Washington Masonic Code; and  All Proceedings of the Annual Communications of the Grand Lodge.

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 9 Treasurer’s Duties Sec B.L. Treasurer’s Duties. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:  Receive from the Secretary all monies paid into the Lodge,  Keep just and regular accounts thereof,  Pay them out by order of the Master and consent of the Lodge; and  Submit a financial report annually to the Lodge and transmit a copy thereof to the Grand Lodge, when requested and on such forms and in such manner as prescribed by the Grand Secretary.

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 10 Secretary/Treasurer Duties Sec B.L. Secretary-Treasurer's Duties. When a Secretary-Treasurer is elected, it shall be his duty to perform all the duties of the Treasurer (Sec B.L.) and the Secretary (Sec B.L.).

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 11 Trends/Issues  Late Reporting Monthly, Annual and Bill to GL  Complete the documents  990 filing-IRS and GL  Building Corporation-business  Insurance  Money in Temple Board  New Form 28 and 28A  Lodge Audits

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 12 Grand Lodge Staff  Lynne Membership data Supplies Reports Masonic Literature word processing/updating Membership data Website/Technology  Kathleen Book Keeper Reports to State Life Membership

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 13 Grand Lodge Staff  Jane Intra/Inter Jurisdictional correspondence General correspondence Assist with coordinating external events  Chantal Data Base Registration LLR and Annual Website Forms Proceeding Resolutions

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 14 Grand Lodge Staff  VWB Don Building Corporations Masonic Program (MRC) Coordinate and move Grand Lodge to/from Annual Communication

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 15 Grand Lodge Timeline of Events  Monthly Returns X 12 Due date  End of Year (Annual Report, WMC B.L.) Mail January 1 st Return February 1 st Bill by March 20 & Payment by April

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 16 Grand Lodge Timeline of Events  Membership Update Report (MUR) Mail July/August w/Return September 1 st Input Dues Cards Correspondence  Dues Card Order Notices and Cards August/September Notice September/October Lodges mail Cards October-December (But never in January)

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 17 Grand Lodge Timeline of Events  Election Mail September Election completed by December 14 (WMC 15.07)  Installation not later than January 31 (WMC 15.08) Roster of Lodges Wardens Seminar Correspondence

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 18 Grand Lodge Timeline of Events  Life Membership (Calendar Year) Mail October/November Distribution of Income  Annual Communication Mail Info April Second Friday June (WMC 9.01)

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 19 Reports and Dues Statement/Cards  Goodtime Report Number of years of membership  Life Membership Report Name, date issued, payment by Lodge or Brother, active or deceased  Membership Roster Name, date of birth  Maintenance Report Membership record changes  Grand Lodge Officer Position Who in the Lodge has serve as a GL Officer

Reports and Dues Statement/Cards  Service Award Eligibility Next years recipients  Membership Update Report (MUR) Name address and member number  Every Member Report Individual historical record  Permanently Waived (part of End-of-Year) 50 yr/remitted  All Members Status Report active/inactive, since 1986  Dues Statement/Cards David P. Owen Grand Secretary 20

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 21 Grand Lodge Website (Secretary Db)

David P. Owen Grand Secretary 22 Good Stuff  New Judicial Section of the WMC  Revenue vs Assessments  Secretary Expenses/Employees of the Lodge  Corresponding with Foreign Jurisdictions  Solicitation  Property tax Exemption  Ownership of Lodge Membership  New Dues Card  New GL Web Site  Washington Masonic Charities

GL Website Lodge Secretary Db GL website: SEC Db David P. Owen Grand Secretary 23