Scottish Rite Membership 101 The Nuts and Bolts of attaining new members
Scottish Rite Membership 101 Not one shoe fits all!
Scottish Rite Membership 101 We All Do The Same Thing Differently!
Scottish Rite Membership 101 Take the initiative and develop your own plan!
It’s Salesmanship Know your customers! Know your product Be proud of Scottish Rite!
The Customer? All Master Masons!
Scottish Rite Membership 101 % of Scottish Rite Masons vs. Master Masons in your state/area.
Scottish Rite Membership 101 Perhaps the newest Masons that joined in the past several years will be your best prospects?
The Product? What is Scottish Rite to you?
The Product? “The University of Freemasonry” “The Higher Degrees” “The Fraternity of Choice” Continuing Lessons of Freemasonry, featuring Degrees with relevant “Core Values” and providing Freemasons with further brotherhood on a higher scale outside of the local Lodges.
Scottish Rite Core Values Reverence for God Integrity Justice Toleration Service Devotion to Country
The Tools? DVD’s - Several available! Brochures “Share the Light” Custom Brochures – Make your own!
Ideas on attracting Members An Open House at your Valley Use your imagination to create a great event!
Ideas on Attracting Members Invite Master Masons and their ladies to quality Valley events!
Ideas on Attracting Members Feature a local Lodge per month at Valley dinners and functions!
Ideas on Attracting Members Invite Master Masons to attend meetings with Masonic speakers!
Go to your Customers! Attend Lodge meetings in your area! Have Lodge or District Ambassadors! (Ambassador Jewels)
Go to your Customers! Presentations at Lodge Meetings! Soft Sell Approach! Carry Petitions!
Go to your Customers! How about sending a Scottish Rite team to support a Lodge Charity Golf Outing?
Offer Services to Lodges Provide a Speaker’s Bureau!
Offer Services to Lodges Degree Teams! (Makes sure a team is approved by your Grand Lodge!) (Craftsmen are almost always needed)
Offer Services to Lodges Public Plays available by Scottish Rite! (The former “Lincoln Degree”) (Several others!)
Be Enthusiastic & Proud! You must always be enthusiastic about Scottish Rite! You must always act proud about Scottish Rite! You must always provide a first class presentation about Scottish Rite!
Follow Up with your new Members! It doesn’t end with a signed petition! Take care of your new members! Provide quality Degrees! Make them feel at home at your Valley! Keep them in good communication!
Scottish Rite Membership 101 Go Get ‘Em You Can Do It!