Intro to WeatherIntro to Weather Clip Adapted for Abney 4 th graders by F. Matthews.


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Presentation transcript:

Intro to WeatherIntro to Weather Clip Adapted for Abney 4 th graders by F. Matthews

Weather the condition of the air at a certain time and a certain place.

Climate The weather of a place averaged over a long period of time.

What are two major factors of weather and climate? Precipitation Temperature

Precipitation – the amount of water that falls the amount of water that falls Liquid water = rain Frozen water = snow or sleet or hail Rain Clip

Humidity The amount of moisture in the air

How much of earth’s surface is covered by water? Three quarters of earth’s surface is covered by water.

What is the most important factor in determining the climate of a place? Location of a place determines its climate North PoleTropics

What are three factors that affect weather & climate?  Elevation  Distance from the equator  Distance from a large body of water

Elevation How high a place is above sea level

Four Types of Climates Tropical Temperate Subarctic Polar

TROPICAL A climate that is usually very warm all year. Warmest climates – nearest equator

SUBARCTIC Climates closer to the North Pole Cooler climates – mountains; temperatures are lower the higher the elevation

TEMPERATE climates between tropical and subarctic climates with moderate temperatures. places near an ocean have a milder climate

POLAR The coldest climate Further from the equator