Final Jeopardy Question Atmos- phere #1 Sun/ Seasons #2 500 Predict Weather/ Climate #6 Water in Atmos- phere #4 Wind/ Solar Energy #3 Weather Patterns #
Back Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere The hottest layer is the thermosphere. Name the four layers of the atmosphere in order from Earth to space and name the layer that is the hottest
What do plants need from the air for photosynthesis and what do animals need from the air to breathe? Back Plants need carbon dioxide Animals need oxygen
What is the protective boundary between Earth and space? As altitude increases, what happens to the density of the air and the air pressure? Back Atmosphere protects the Earth from space. Density decreases and air pressure decreases as altitude increases.
In which layer does weather take place? Where is the ozone layer located? Back Weather takes place in the troposphere The ozone layer is in the upper stratosphere
What is the composition of Earth’s dry air? Back 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen 1% other gases
Back What are the three ways that energy is transferred within the troposphere? Radiation Convection conduction
What is a revolution? And how long does it take? Back Earth’s complete orbit around the sun is a revolution. It takes a year.
Which region(s) are cooler than the equator? What is a rotation? And how long does it take? Back Rotation is the spinning of a planet on it’s axis. It takes Earth 24 hours Polar zone and temperate zone
What creates the seasons? Back Tilt of Earth’s axis
What occurs when the sun is directly overhead at noon at latitude 23.5° N and 23.5 ° S? Back solstice
Back List the four Global winds. Westerlies Trade winds Polar easterlies Doldrums
Name the three basic cloud forms. Back Stratus Cumulus cirrus
What is wind? Back Wind is air blowing from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure About how much of the solar energy is absorbed by Earth? 50%
What is the main way in which Earth’s atmosphere is heated? Back Energy reradiated by Earth’s surface. A daily breeze that occurs in a city that is located near a large body of water is an example of _____________________. Local winds Daily Double
What is a belt of high-speed wind in the upper troposphere called? Back A jet stream
What type of clouds are the following: 1.Flat layers that cover much or all of the sky and produces rain 2.White puffy clouds that are more vertical. They have a flat base and a billowing tower rising above. Sometimes called thunderheads. 3.White, wispy clouds often with a feathery or veil-like appearance. Often appear before rain forming clouds. Back nimbostratus cumulonimbus cirrostratus
Rain Sleet and snow are types of __________. Back precipitation The shape and size of snowflakes depends on the ______________ at which it forms. temperature
What is a cloud? Back A visible mass of tiny water droplets and ice crystals
How large must ice be to be classified as hail? Back 5 millimeters
Which air masses have more moisture? Air masses formed over water or air masses formed over land? Back Over water
Where would a maritime tropical air mass form that affects weather in the U.S? Which air mass forms over land north of the 50° north latitude? How does a cold front form? Back The Gulf of Mexico Continental polar A cold air mass collides with a warm air mass and pushes the warm air up.
What is the sharply defined boundary that forms where two unlike air masses meet? What is a topical storm with sustained winds of at least 119 Km/hr? What is a small intense storm formed when a vertical cylinder of rotating air develops? Back front hurricane tornado
What weather system has the following: Air spirals away from the center Has a center of high pressure Turns clockwise winds in the Northern Hemisphere Is generally associated with clear weather Back anticyclone
The pressure at the center of a cyclone is _______. Back low
What is a major type of storm associated with lightning, strong winds, and heavy rain or hail? Back thunderstorm
Back Cold front What does each symbol represent? Stationary Front Warm front Occluded front
What three factors affect a region’s temperature? Back 1.Latitude and altitude 2.Distance from large bodies of water 3.Ocean currents
What is a description of the pattern of weather over many years? What is an example of a long-term climate change that occurs naturally? What is a climate change that may be caused by human activities? Back climate Ice age Global warming
What are the two main factors that determine a region’s climate? What is a short-term variation in climate that is caused by a change in the normal direction of winds, which causes ocean currents to shift direction? Back Temperature and precipitation El Nino
_______________ works by bouncing radio waves off particles of precipitation in moving storms and then measuring the frequency of the waves the return. What are lines on a weather map that connect points that have the same air temperature? Back Doppler radar isotherms
Back This question is about zones. Write down the number of points that you want to risk. Go to Final Jeopardy Question
List all of the zones in correct order from North Pole to south pole and give the range of latitude for each. Polar 66.5° N to 90 ° N Temperate 23.5 ° N 66.5 ° N Tropic 23.5 ° N to 23.5 ° S Temperate 23.5 ° S to 66.5 ° S Polar 66.5 ° S to 90 ° S BACK