Defining a Storm
Severe Weather Event What instruments did Anthony Guillory and other researches used to predict and study severe weather events? Draw an example of what you think is a severe weather event. Include a caption describing the drawing We will be adding to our drawing so use about half a page. UAV – uninhabited aerial vehicle
26 January 2012 OBJECTIVE: Define a storm and other extreme weather events. INTRO Check and Hand-in Missing Assignments Write Q&A in notebook: How would you define a storm, hurricane and tornado?
Defining a Storm “Trouble Brewing in the Earth’s Atmosphere” Questions: – Describe Aerosonde. – Why would scientists use Aerosonde to collect weather data when they could use other technology, such as an aircraft with crew, and satellites? Trouble Brewing in the Earth’s Atmosphere Flipchart
Mission Briefing Video Guide How does energy get to Earth from the Sun? How does air pressure affect weather? How does heat move and keep Earth warm? Why is it important to gather weather intelligence? Electromagnetic radiation travels through space to Earth Air moves from high to low pressure creating wind Energy transfer – energy from Sun heats the ground and air / greenhouse keeps Earth warm Anticipate the threat of “monster” storms. Mission Briefing 1 Video
Defining a Storm Storm Atmosphere Hurricane Storm surge Violent weather event Mixture of gases that surround a planet or moon Large, severe storm that develops over tropical oceans and have strong winds over 75mph (120kph) Flood of seawater that a hurricane drives ashore
Defining a Storm Thunderstorm Supercell Tornado Brief, heavy storm that has rain, strong winds, lightning and thunder A large powerful thunderstorm that can create tornadoes Destructive, rotating column of air with very high wind speeds and a funnel-shaped cloud that touches the ground
Defining a Storm Lightning Hail Blizzard Electrical discharge from a thunderstorm cloud Large chunk of ice created in powerful thunderstorms Severe snowstorm with strong winds and heavy snow for over a period of days
Defining a Storm Drought Floods Runoff Long period of below- normal rainfall Forms when it rains a lot and the ground cannot absorb anymore water Water that cannot be absorbed by the ground and collects in low, shallow areas
Defining a Storm Heat wave A period of above- average temperatures
Discussion What factors distinguish a storm from ordinary weather? What does extreme mean when describing weather conditions? Have you ever experienced extreme weather? What were its effects? Review: What is a hurricane? Review: What is a storm surge?
Critical Thinking With your group, list 5 characteristics that all “monster” storms have in common? 1.? 2.? 3.? 4.? 5.? 6.? 7.? 8.? 9.?