Lung Cancer Research Clinical Research Network South West Peninsula Julie Cunningham Research Delivery Manager Oncology / Haematology / Genetics 1
National Cancer Specialty Recruitment Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 06/12/15
South West Peninsula Cancer Specialty Recruitment Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 06/12/15
Lung Tumour Group National Perspective Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 06/12/15
Lung Tumour Group National Perspective Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 06/12/15 CRN 2014/ /2016 RecruitmentRank Adjusted Recruitment RankRecruitmentRank Adjusted Recruitment Rank East Midlands Eastern Greater Manchester Kent, Surrey and Sussex North East and North Cumbria North Thames North West Coast North West London South London South West Peninsula Thames Valley and South Midlands Wessex West Midlands West of England Yorkshire and Humber Data adjusted to regional population, expressed as recruitment per 1M people
Lung Tumour Group SWP Recruitment Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 06/12/15
Lung Tumour Group - Study Type Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 06/12/15 33% 35% 65% 67%
Lung Tumour Group - Study Design Data from Portfolio ODP – Cut off 06/12/15 37% 63% 100%
AcronymStudy TypeUKCRNIDTrust Investigator Name End dateTarget Recruitment (EDGE) Recruitment (Portfolio) RTT Rating CANC ARCTICCommercial17682RCHT Talbot, Dr Toby 28-Sep CANC PACIFICCommercial18180RCHT Talbot, Dr Toby 28-Oct Checkmate - 171Commercial18933PHNT Yiannakis, Dr Dennis 15-Apr Genetics of EGFR Mutation Study (GEM): a Translational Study of the EORTC Lung Group (EORTC 08114) Non- Commercial 16457RCHT Talbot, Dr Toby 01-Aug Lung ART Non- Commercial 5686RD&EFord, Dr Vicky25-Oct Lung ART Non- Commercial 5686T&S Walther, Dr Julie 25-Oct LungCAST - Does smoking status after a diagnosis of lung cancer affect outcomes? Non- Commercial 9851T&S Pepperell, Dr Justin 01-Mar NCRN VESTA: Veliparib, carboplatin & paclitaxel in NSCLC Commercial16393NDHCT Napier, Dr Mark 31-Mar STOMP Non- Commercial 10873PHNT Yiannakis, Dr Dennis 15-Nov Lung Tumour Group – Open Studies from RAG Report Data from CRN SWP RAG Report from EDGE – November 2015
NICE Pathway for Lung Treatment
Non-Commercial Study Opportunities SPECIAL: Standard or PalliativE Care In Advanced Lung cancer Does early referral of patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer to UK specialist palliative care services make a difference in their quality of life or survival? ( OPTIMUM Trial -Randomised controlled trial comparing outpatient management of malignant pleural effusion via an indwelling pleural catheter and talc pleurodesis versus standard inpatient management in improving health related quality of life. ( GEM (EORTC 08114) - Genetics of EGFR Mutation Study (GEM): a Translational Study of the EORTC Lung Group ( TAPPS - Evaluating the efficacy of thoracoscopy and talc poudrage versus pleurodesis using talc slurry: a randomised trial to determine the most effective method for the management of malignant pleural effusions in patients with a good performance status ( TARGET Trial - Randomised controlled trial to compare the diagnostic yield of Positron Emission Tomography Computerised Tomography (PETCT) targeted pleural biopsy versus CTguided pleural biopsy in suspected pleural malignancy ( The VIOLET study - VIdeo assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy versus conventional Open LobEcTomy for lung cancer, a multi-centre randomised controlled trial with an internal pilot ( CEDAR - A Phase II, randomised, open-label study of Gemcitabine/Carboplatin first-line chemotherapy in combination with or without the antisense oligonucleotide Apatorsen (OGX427) in advanced squamous cell lung cancers ( DIAPHRAGM - Diagnostic and Prognostic biomarkers in the Rational Assessment of Mesothelioma ( MARS2 - A study to determine if it is feasible to recruit into a randomised trial comparing (extended) pleurectomy decortication versus no pleurectomy decortication in the multimodality management of patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (
SWP Lung cancer Strategy? Prevention Smoking cessation Early diagnosis – CANDID Smoking cessation at diagnosis Treatment QOL studies Palliative care 12