NMDT (%)Path (%)NOS (%)CNS (%) Weston Area Health 70.5 5.7 66.3 Yeovil District Hospital 54.9 22.9 82.9 University Hospitals Bristol 65.5 17.9 95.3 South Devon Healthcare 62.9 0.0 75.8 Taunton and Somerset 62.6 5.9 82.8 Northern Devon Healthcare 56.7 23.0 89.8 Royal United Hospital Bath 47.8 5.8 87.9 Royal Cornwall Hospitals 82.8 5.4 94.8 Royal Devon and Exeter 77.5 2.2 98.0 Plymouth Hospitals 54.8 20.3 79.0 Gloucestershire Hospitals 84.8 5.5 84.1 North Bristol 66.4 12.0 58.5 Whole Network 2, 66.7 9.1 82.8 MDT: multidisciplinary team; Path: pathological confirmation rate NOS: nonsmall cell cancer not otherwise specified; CNS: patients seen by lung nurse specialist
Treatment percentages All treatmentNSCLC surgeryNSCLC chemoSCLC chemo Weston Area Health 64.2 22.0 82.4 72.7 Yeovil District Hospital 57.3 17.8 75.0 85.7 University Hospitals Bristol 64.9 13.2 74.4 81.3 South Devon Healthcare 61.8 11.5 59.5 72.2 Taunton and Somerset 68.2 20.5 78.7 81.8 Northern Devon Healthcare 55.9 12.1 61.9 80.0 Royal United Hospital Bath 63.4 18.7 51.0 75.0 Royal Cornwall Hospitals 82.3 13.8 71.8 81.0 Royal Devon and Exeter 73.5 17.3 57.4 82.4 Plymouth Hospitals 57.4 17.5 58.7 56.7 Gloucestershire Hospitals 65.9 18.6 48.5 61.1 North Bristol 51.0 22.6 52.9 68.8 Whole Network 64.1 17.4 61.0 73.0 NSCLC: non small cell lung cancer; SCLC: small cell lung cancer
ODD RATIOs of treatments All treatmentNSCLC surgeryNSCLC chemoSCLC chemo Weston Area Health 1.37 1.68 3.11 1.17 Yeovil District Hospital 1.09 0.91 3.52 3.23 University Hospitals Bristol 1.39 0.98 2.22 2.19 South Devon Healthcare 1.25 0.66 1.26 1.28 Taunton and Somerset 1.77 2.17 3.49 1.97 Northern Devon Healthcare 0.95 0.67 1.20 2.48 Royal United Hospital Bath 0.97 1.07 0.86 0.89 Royal Cornwall Hospitals 5.94 1.01 1.48 2.96 Royal Devon and Exeter 2.22 1.16 1.4 2.17 Plymouth Hospitals 0.92 0.99 1.1 0.53 Gloucestershire Hospitals 1.28 1.34 0.7 0.58 North Bristol 0.65 1.75 0.9 1.08 Whole Network 1.32 1.17 1.27 1.27 NSCLC: non small cell lung cancer; SCLC: small cell lung cancer