Avishayes Our Approach to Learning
The Early Years…provides a great start to school life!
Exploration and Investigation
Play-workers support play at lunchtime Children in the Early Years and Key Stage One have music, games and toys
The 4 R’s Resilience and Reflectiveness
The 4R’s Reciprocity and Resourcefulness
The Burrow is a fantastic resource! It provides a safe, supportive and secure environment It promotes high-quality conversation and deep level learning It increases engagement levels It ensures children have time to explore, which is a crucial element of communication It helps children flourish!
The Burrow encourages problem-solving and engineering
The Burrow develops communication and cooperation
The Burrow helps to build a child’s self-esteem through success
Forest School Forest School is an inspirational process, that offers all learners regular opportunities to develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a natural environment.
Forest School… …fosters resilience, confidence, independence and creativity
Forest School… … builds on an individual’s motivation and positive attitude to learning and provides opportunities for children to take supported risks.
Apple Bobbing at Forest School!
Our approach to learning ensures your child achieves their true potential!