CHAPTER 5 Mental and Emotional Health Name ______________________ Assig. # _____ Lesson 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health
What is Mental and Emotional Health? optimistic Having a positive attitude about the future LESSON 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health BIG IDEA Good mental/emotional health includes having a positive view of yourself and being resilient. Some signs of good mental and emotional heath include: Having a good attitude and an optimistic outlook on life. Recognizing your strengths and improving your weaknesses. Setting realistic goals for yourself. Acting responsibly. Being able to relax and have fun on your own or in a group. Lesson Home New Vocabulary
What is Mental and Emotional Health? LESSON 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health BIG IDEA Good mental/emotional health includes having a positive view of yourself and being resilient. adapt To adjust to new situations Some additional signs of good mental and emotional heath include: Being aware of your feelings and expressing them in a healthy way. Accepting constructive feedback without becoming angry. Being able to accept yourself and others. Knowing how to adapt to new situations. Showing empathy. Lesson Home New Vocabulary
How You See Yourself personality A combination of your feelings, likes, dislikes, attitudes, abilities, and habits LESSON 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health BIG IDEA Good mental/emotional health includes having a positive view of yourself and being resilient. self-concept The way you view yourself overall Lesson Home New Vocabulary Your personality is the way others see you, while your self-concept (also known as self-image) is the way you see yourself. Your self- concept affects the way you relate to yourself and the world.
Self-Esteem self-esteem How you feel about yourself LESSON 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health BIG IDEA Good mental/emotional health includes having a positive view of yourself and being resilient. confidence Belief in your ability to do what you set out to do Lesson Home New Vocabulary When you have high self-esteem, you like and value yourself. You take pride in your achievements, and you face new challenges with confidence.
Building Self-Esteem Set realistic goals. Focus on your strengths. Ask for help. Remember that no one is perfect. Think positively. LESSON 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health BIG IDEA Good mental/emotional health includes having a positive view of yourself and being resilient. Lesson Home
Building Resilience Focus on your strengths. Connect with others. Motivate yourself. Keep a positive attitude. Remember that no one is perfect. resilience The ability to recover from problems or loss LESSON 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health BIG IDEA Good mental/emotional health includes having a positive view of yourself and being resilient. Lesson Home New Vocabulary
List What are three steps you can take to build positive self-esteem and resilience? Lesson 1 Review LESSON 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health After You Read Lesson Home
Lesson 1 Review LESSON 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health Analyze Explain how self-concept and self-esteem are related. Thinking Critically Lesson Home
Explain What can happen if you behave in a way that goes against your self-concept? Lesson 1 Review LESSON 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health After You Read Lesson Home
Lesson 1 Review LESSON 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health Infer Give an example of how your mental and emotional health might influence your physical or social health. Thinking Critically Lesson Home
Analyzing Influences What do you think has had the most influence on your personality: your heredity, environment, or behavior? Explain your answer. Lesson 1 Review LESSON 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health Applying Health Skills Lesson Home
CHAPTER 5 Mental and Emotional Health END Lesson 1 Your Mental and Emotional Health