Pupil Premium Effective use of the pupil premium is at the core of the moral purpose of school leadership Sir John Dunford
Our Journey How? What ? When? Why? Policy Objectives Accountability – spending decisions Impact – attainment, progress and ‘the gap’ Making a difference ? Case studies, Data
How to secure measurable learning gains for pupils Address underlying issues affecting children’s work Develop behaviour for learning Embed DFE led research Stand up under Ofsted scrutiny of Spending decisions Monitoring and evaluation Pupil outcomes Are all pupils getting a good deal everyday ?
Use of the pupil premium Inspectors will gather evidence about the use of the pupil premium in relation to the following key issues: the level of pupil premium funding received by the school in the current academic year and levels of funding received in previous academic years how leaders and governors have spent the pupil premium, their rationale for this spending and its intended impact any differences made to the learning and progress of disadvantaged pupils as shown by outcomes data and inspection evidence. Leaders and governors are ambitious for all pupils and promote improvement effectively. The school’s actions secure improvement in disadvantaged pupils’ progress, which is rising, including in English and mathematics. Governors hold senior leaders stringently to account for all aspects of the school’s performance, including the use of pupil premium, the primary PE and sport premium and SEN funding, ensuring that the skilful deployment of staff and resources delivers good or improving outcomes for pupils.
We decided to ….. Concentrate on ensuring each child reaches their potential Develop systems to maximise progress including - Personalised learning time 3 star challenges Blooms questioning Teacher Assistant training The Den Personal values eg resilience Ambition and high expectations Pupil view / conferencing / feedback Extending opportunities Formative assessment / next steps / marking
Important to show how well evidence is used to inform spending Awareness – Which children are we targeting? How can we make a difference? Do teachers know who is targeted in their class? Analysis of need – teacher / pupil view may be different Are resources / provision working? Impact of provision – progress measures soft measures eg esteem
Data Raise online in year / 3yr trend / Value added Year group data – Attainment / progress / PPM’s ……. Soft data – self esteem, confidence, learning attitude ……………
Useful Documents Teaching and Learning Toolkit Education Endowment Fund / Sutton Trust The Pupil Premium: Next steps Education Endowment Fund / Sutton Trust Pupil Premium – various Ofsted Closing the Gap with the new national curriculum National College