Vital Signs: Temperature ORAL AND AXILLARY
Oral Temperature Taken in the mouth, close to ______________________ under tongue Most common, convenient, & comfortable method Pt cannot ____________________________________for at least _________________________before measuring Average oral temp = ______________ (37 C) Normal oral range = __________________(36.5 C C)
Oral Temperature Can be taken with _____________________ or ______________________________ thermometers 1.Electronic thermometers Oral use _______________ tip (red tip for rectal) Can use disposable plastic cover to prevent _______________________________________ Ensure batteries are not low-can lead to ________________________________ reading
Oral Temperature
2.Clinical thermometers aka ______________ thermometers Slender glass tube containing __________________________ or alcohol with red dye, which expands when exposed to heat Can use disposable ________________________________________ to prevent contamination Each long line is read as __________________________________ Each short line is read as ____________________________________ Long tip – see blue text book page 323_________________________ Security tip – see blue text book page 323 __________________________
Oral Temperature
______________________ to taking oral temp: Pt is _________________________ to hold thermometer in their mouth (_________________________________) Pt might ____________________ thermometer accidentally (seizures, uncooperative pt, shivering, mouth breather, _____________________________________________)
Oral Temperature with Clinical Thermometer Introduce yourself, identify pt, explain procedure, wash your hands Follow ______________________________________________ Hold thermometer securely to avoid ______________________ Read thermometer to be sure it reads _____________________ Check for _______________________– don’t use if they are present Pt should hold in place with _______________, caution pt not to ___________________ it Leave in place ____________________________________________
Oral Temperature with Clinical Thermometer After removing from pt’s mouth, turn sheath ___________________________ to prevent contamination Hold thermometer at __________________ and rotate until you see silver bar, then read where the ______________________ Do not hold the _______________________ when reading result – warmth of your hand can ______________________ the reading If result is ___________________________, reinsert in pt’s mouth for another ________________________________
Oral Temperature with Clinical Thermometer To record result, indicate ____________________ of temperature and appropriate _________________________________________(degrees F or C), method (route) is ___________ needed with oral temperature Report to your supervisor any findings that are a __________________________________________ from previous result or _______________________ normal range
Oral Temperature with Electronic Thermometer Introduce yourself, identify pt, explain procedure, wash your hands Follow ________________________________________________ Use _____________________________________ or plastic sheath Keep thermometer in mouth until it ______________________ the temperature has been reached __________________________ cover or sheath Read and ________________________ result
Oral Temperature with Electronic Thermometer To record result, indicate _________________________________________and appropriate unit of measurement (degrees F or C), method (route) is ______________ needed with oral temperature _______________________________________________a ny findings that are a significant change from previous result or outside normal range
Axillary Temperature Can be taken with electronic (_______________ tip) or clinical thermometers Taken under the ___________________________ between two folds of ________________________ Taken in the armpit=____________________________ Abbreviated _________________ Can also be taken in ______________ between two folds of skin formed between inner part of thigh and lower abd
Axillary Temperature Ax and groin temp are ________________________ temps so ____________________ accurate Average Ax temp = ________________________ (36.4 C) Normal Ax range = _____________________(36 C – 37 C)
Axillary Temperature Introduce yourself, identify pt, explain procedure, wash your hands Follow standard precautions Hold thermometer securely to avoid breaking If glass-Read thermometer to be sure it reads __________ If glass-Check for chips or breaks – don’t use if they are present Use a towel to _______________________________________ since moisture can alter temperature reading
Axillary Temperature Do not rub armpit hard, it can ________________ the temperature Raise pt’s arm and place _________________________________ of thermometer in the hollow of the axilla Bring arm over the chest and rest hand on the _________ shoulder Leave in place ____________________ for glass or until it ____________________ for electronic If glass-Hold thermometer at eye level and rotate until you see silver bar, then read where the bar ends If glass-Do not hold the bulb end when reading result – warmth of your hand can alter the reading
Axillary Temperature To record result, indicate degree of temperature and appropriate unit of measurement (degrees F or C) Also record ___________________ after the result to indicate it is an axillary temperature _______________________ add a degree when recording the result Report to your supervisor any findings that are a significant change from previous result or outside normal range