BIBFRAME Update Session Library of Congress pilot and development Beacher Wiggins – Pilot project Sally McCallum – Vocabulary development A supplier’s approach to BIBFRAME/Linked Data Tiziana Possemato, Casalini libre Linked Data for Production (LD4P) proposed projects Archives and annotations – Jennifer Baxmeyer, Princeton Art and museums – Melanie Wacker and Amber Billey, Columbia Rare books and hip hop LPs – Chiat Naun Chew, Cornell OCLC update John Chapman, OCLC Zepheira update Eric Miller, Zepheira
Sally McCallum Library of Congress Vocabulary Redevelopment
Vocabulary redevelopment Vocabulary BIBFRAME 1.0 published in 2014 Developed from elements in RDA, MARC, AACR MARC to 1.0 conversion tools made available Other tools developed: BF Editor, Profile editor, Search Research and discussion papers: Authorities, Relationships, Profiles, Annotations, AV Report Listserv discussions Expert review and advice
Leading up to … Improved BIBFRAME vocabulary – 2.0 Proposal papers for key points Titles Events Agents and roles Items Identifiers and Notes Categories Administrative metadata Classes for types External lists Events more formally modeled
Basic model revision? Holding Annotation Item Authority Agents and Concepts Agents (persons, families, organizations, meetings, jurisdictions) Concepts (topics, places, times, events, works) Issues Must accommodate standardized labels, free-text labels, real world objects, abstract concepts Naming issue: Identities? Entities? Broader term?
RDF principles in BIBFRAME Resource Description Format (RDF) Art (practicality) vs. rules? Practical examples Make a clear distinction between Datatype (literal) and Object (resource) properties Enable supplying URI, label (literal), or both Distinguish types by class Define reciprocal properties, if appropriate Use rdfs:label and rdf:value properties Avoid proliferation of properties, abstract classes and properties, and over constraining Separate administrative metadata from descriptive data Consider using external vocabularies where “wise” (stable, widely used, standard) or enable future adoption
Property naming conventions More practicality vs. rules Rules? Property name must be a noun if expected value is a literal? Property name must be a verb if expected value is a resource? Reality “has” and “is” may be implied – hasTitle or title? Nouns if clearly expresses property – title, subject Noun phrases allowed – copyOf Present tense verbs preferred – accompanies Verb phrases allowed – identifiedBy Prepositional phrases allowed – continuesInPart
Current and future Proposal for vocabulary 2.0 Model, principles, naming, MARC mapping Tool reengineering For LC - Pilot 2 with vocab 2.0 LC’s LD4P projects Continuing exploration for different media AudioVisual: new report on technical metadata published last week pdf pdf How much technical metadata is needed in bibliographic descriptions for end user access?