The Water Table
What is Water? The chemical formula for water is: H2O. There are 2 hydrogen atoms fro every 1 oxygen atom. One part of the molecule (hydrogen) has a slightly positive charge and the other (oxygen) has a slightly negative charge.
The charge causes each water molecule to act like a tiny magnet. The magnetic charge affects how water behaves underground!
The Water Table The water cycle affects how much water we have available to us: When rain strikes the ground the water molecules act like magnets to the soil causing the water to spread outward.
Importance of Percolation: Gravity pulls the water down into the earth, dissolving salts and minerals as it moves through the soil this is percolation! Water eventually reaches the aquitard: a layer that will not allow water to pass through quickly enough to use as a water source.
Zones of the Water Table As more rain falls the layer above the aquitard becomes completely full with water. This is called the Zone of Saturation. The upper layer of the Zone of Saturation is the Water Table. Above the Zone of Saturation, is the Zone of Aeration which is found in the upper soil layers that hold both air and water. An aquifer is a large acculumlation of water in soil or rock.
Zones of the Water Table
Layers of the Water Table
Water Table Questions Complete Questions 1 – 4 from the text book on Page 217.