Mrs Enright Section 5-3
The Goals of Our Government Form a More Perfect Union- People were seeking a more united 13 states under a stronger national government. Establish Justice- Have a fair way to settle disputes. (Judicial Branch) Insure Domestic Tranquility- Gov. tries to establish peaceful society. Protection from unlawful acts of others. Provide for the Common Defense- Gov. protects citizens from attacks from other countries.
Goals of Our Government cont. Promote General Welfare- Our Gov. tries to create conditions that benefits all of America. Secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity- Gov. gives us rights to choose where we work, live, and what we believe etc. But we cannot interfere with rights of others.
The Articles Article 1: Legislative Branch: Has two houses and main power is to make laws. Article 2: Executive Branch: Powers are only given to one person, the President. President can only execute laws, not make them. Article 3: Judicial Branch: The Supreme Court was created to settle disputes between states. President or Congress cannot interfere.
The Articles cont. Article 4: The States: Each state must honor/respect laws of other states. Article 5: Amendments: The Framers left instructions for changing the Constitution to meet peoples needs in the future. Article 6: Constitution Supremacy: No state law can violate the Constitution. Article 7: Ratification: Establishes the procedure for ratifying the Constitution. Bill of Rights were the first ten Amendments of the Constitution.
Limited Government There are three main ways powers are limited in Government. Federalism, Separation of Powers, and Checks and Balances. Federalism is the division of power between the states and federal (national) government. Concurrent powers are shared by national government and states. While Reserved powers are not given to either government. Separation of Powers is separating the national government into three branches. (Legislative, Executive, and Judicial)
Checks and Balances The Constitution set the system of Checks and Balances in which each branch has ways to limit the other two. Ex: The President is able to veto bills he/she doesn’t think is good for the nation. The House can also impeach (accuse) the president if they think he/she is not doing well. By checking on other branches, the federal government is able to run smoothly.
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