CAREER SKILLS: JOB APPLICATION Mr. Toth 3/15/2010 – 3/16/2010
Follow the Directions Read all directions before writing anything. This shows employers that you care.
Filling in Blanks on the Form Always answer all questions on the application. Do not leaven anything blank. If the question does not relate to you, then write down “NA” for non-applicable.
Answer Neatly and Honestly Write information neatly so it looks professional and is easy to read. Do not lie on any part of your application. Lying can get you fired later on if your employer finds out.
Emphasize your Strongest Qualities Write down the things that you do best. Write down the things that you want your employer to know about you.
Overcoming a Previous Firing or Layoff The best answer to put down is “Would prefer to discuss.” This way there is less chance that an employer will pass judgment on you and not pick you. Give you a chance to talk about the situation face- to-face in an interview.
Answer the Salary Question Carefully It is tricky question when an employer asks you how much you want to be paid. A good answer to put down is “Open.” This implies to the employer that money is not the main reason you want the job.
Sign and Date the Application For legal purposes you must sign and date the application.
Personal Information Name Social Security Number Address Phone Additional Address Other Names
Work-Related Information Exact Position (the name of the position you are applying for) Posting Number (company ID number assigned to the position you are applying for) Names of Relatives (your relatives who work at the company) Type of Work Desired (part-time, temporary, or full- time)
Felony Information Employers want to know if you have criminal charges against you. A false statement will disqualify you. Explain any felony in a truthful manner.
Education List all the schools that you have attended. Record any certificates, licenses, or training you have received through an employer.
Military Service Write “NA” is this section does not apply to you. Describe your military service, if any. Indicate whether you are a dependant of a veteran.
Employment Record Give a complete summary of each previous job position that you have had. List skills that you have demonstrated that match with the skills you need for the job you are seeking.
References Always provide three references. Provide complete address, phone number, and e- mail information. Get approval from a person before you decide to use him or her as a reference.
Request to Contact Your Current Employer Answer this question cautiously. Say “Yes” only if your employer is aware of your job search and approves. Protect your current job by replying “No” if you do not want your employer to be contacted.