Table of Contents CONTENTSLIDE NO. Provincial Overview and Footprint Introduction and Background Map of the Province Photos Summary of the current footprint DHA Footprint Provincial Management and Demarcation Operating Model 4-14 Targets as per Provincial Business Plan Birth registration ID Smart Card Employers charged Transgressors of departmental legislation Direct deportations Transfers to Lindela Cases of fraudulent marriages Payment of invoices 15-24
Table of Contents Continue CONTENTSLIDE NO. Finance and Support Services Staff Profile Provincial Capacity Filling of vacancies Performance Management & Development System Employee Relations Cases Counter Corruption Staff Engagements Staff Developments Management of leave Budget Revenue Management Fleet Management Asset Management Projects Office Refurbishment Achievements Challenges 47-48
5 NTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND The total population of the North West Province is 3,7 million which constitute 6.7 % of the country's population. For the period 2011 – 2015 the province experienced a net migration of ( out-migrants & in-migrants) There are four (4) district and nineteen (19) local municipalities. Mining is the major contributor to the provincial economy supported by cattle and mixed crop farming
7 Photos
8 SUMMARY OF THE CURRENT FOOTPRINT FOR THE NORTH WEST ROVINCE TYPE OF OFFICE DHA current footprint OperationalComments Local Office Large33None Local Office Average14 None Local Office Small88None Health Facilities37361 Health facility (Ramatlabama) has network challenges Ports of Entry99None Thusong Service Centre33None Total7473 1
DHA FOOTPRINT DistrictLocal MunicipalityDHA Presence Bojanala Platinum Kgetlengrivier Swartruggens SO Swartruggens Hospital Madibeng Brits MO Letlhabile SO Maboloka SO Bokamoso TH Bapong CHC Brits Hospital Letlhabile CHC MoreteleMakapanstad MO Moses Kotane Mankwe MO Madikwe MO Mabeskraal SO Pella CHC Moses Kotane Hospital Rustenburg Rustenburg LO Job Shimankana Tabane Provincial Hospital Total 5 17 All local municipalities have a DHA presence
DHA FOOTPRINT DistrictLocal MunicipalityDHA Presence Dr Kenneth KaundaCity of Matlosana Klerksdorp LO Klerksdorp Provincial Hospital Jouberton Clinic Grace Mokgomo Wilmedpark Private Clinic Anncron Clinic Botshabelo CHC Maquassi Hills Wolmaransstad MO Nic Bodenstein Hospital Leeudoringstad Clinic Tlokwe Potchefstroom MO Potchefstroom Provincial Hospital Potchefstroom Medi Clinic Ventersdorp Ventersdorp SO Ventersdorp Hospital Total415 All local municipalities have a DHA presence
DHA FOOTPRINT DistrictLocal MunicipalityDHA Presence Dr Ruth Segomotsi MompatiGreater Taung Taung MO Taung District Hospital Kagisano Molopo Ganyesa MO Victor Tong TH Ganyesa District Hospital Lekwa Teemane Bloemhof CHC Christiana Hospital MamusaSchweizer Reneke Hospital Naledi Vryburg MO Huhudi CHC Joe Morolong Hospital Stella CHC Total512 Lekwa Teemane & Mamusa has connected health facilities for birth and death registration (Bloemhof CHC, Christiana CHC, Schweizer Reneke hospital)
DHA FOOTPRINT DistrictLocal MunicipalityDHA Presence Ngaka Modiri MolemaDitsobotla Itsoseng MO Lichtenburg MO General De La Rey Hospital Gelukspan Hospital Itsoseng CHC Mahikeng Mahikeng MO Mmabatho LO Victoria Private Hospital Mahikeng Provincial Hospital Ramatlabama CHC Mmabatho Unit 9 CHC Montshiwa Town Clinic Ramotshere Moiloa Zeerust MO Lehurutshe Hospital Ratlou Madibogo SO Tshidilamolomo TH Ratlou CHC Tswaing Atamelang MO Sannieshof SO Khunwana SO Atamelang CHC Total521
DHA FOOTPRINT DistrictPorts of EntryMobile Offices Bojanala PlatinumDerdepoort Pilanesberg 1x Madibeng 1x Moretele 2x Moses Kotane Dr Kenneth KaundaNone 1x Tlokwe 1x Matlosana Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Bray Makopong 1x Taung 1x Ganyesa Ngaka Modiri Molema Makgobistad Ramatlabama Skilpadshek Swartkopfontein Kopfontein 2x Mahikeng 1x Ramotshere Moiloa Total areas identified as Late Registration of Birth hotspots for this financial year. For first quarter 26 areas were visited in Bojanala Platinum District. The remaining areas will be attended during the second and third quarter culminating into a provincial outreach planned for December 2015.
14 PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT AND DERMACATION OPERATING MODEL (Exam Acting Provincial Manager Mrs M.I Mantlhasi District Manager Operations: Bojanala Platinum Mr MC Rambuda 10 Offices 2 POE 7 Health Facilities 4 Mobile Offices Total: 23 Acting District Manager Operations: Dr Kenneth Kaunda Ms ME Dontso 4 Offices 11 Health Facilities 2 Mobile Offices Total:17 Acting District Manager Operations: Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Ms ME Dontso 4 Offices 2 POE 8 Health Facilities 2 Mobile Offices Total: 11 District Manager Operations: Ngaka Modiri Molema Mr NC Shabalala 10 Offices 5 POE 11 Health Facilities 3 Mobile Offices Total: 29 Director: Finance & Support Mr S.Tiley
16 OVERVIEW ANALYSIS: Executive Summary Q1 PROGRESS TOWARDS ACHIEVING STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES QUARTER 1 PERFORMANCE 1.The Province achieved 8 out of the 09 targets (89%) for Quarter 1: Birth registration within 30 calendar days Employers Charged Transgressors charged Direct Deportation within 30 Days Transfers to Lindela within 20 days Fraudulent Marriages Payment of invoices within 30 days High Impact Outreach Campaigns 2. One (1) Target was not achieved (11%): Smart ID card issued
17 DHA Annual Target: births registered within 30 calendar days BASELINE for Province (14/15) ANNUAL TARGET for Province (15/16) QUARTER 1 TARGET for Province Projected births registered in province within 30 calendar days of birth Projected births registered in province within 30 calendar days of birth Q1 PROGRESS: Target achieved STATISTICS (105%) births registered within 30 days ANALYSIS Increased visits and enhanced monitoring assisted the province to achieve the target. Some health facilities are serviced during weekends and public holidays namely Taung, Potchefstroom & Klerksdorp hospitals CHALLENGES: Network and bandwidth challenges at some health facilities e.g. Ramatlabama
18 DHA Annual Target: 2,2 million Smart ID Cards issued to citizens 16 years and above BASELINE for Province (14/15) ANNUAL TARGET for Province (15/16) QUARTER 1 TARGET for Province Smart ID Cards issued to Citizens 16 years and above Smart ID Cards issued to Citizens 16 years and above Q1 PROGRESS: Target not achieved STATISTICS Smart ID cards issued to citizens ANALYSIS The province had a target of and managed to issue ID cards applications were captured during the quarter under review. CHALLENGES: Smart ID cards dispatched to offices on the last day of the quarter are received on the first day of the ensuing quarter.
19 DHA Annual Target: Employers charged for contravening section 49 (3) of the Immigration Act BASELINE for Province (14/15) ANNUAL TARGET for Province (15/16) QUARTER 1 TARGET for Province 40 employers charged for contravening section 49 (3) of the Immigration Act 10 employers charged for contravening section 49 (3) of the Immigration Act Q1 PROGRESS: Target achieved STATISTICS 26 employers charged ANALYSIS The province overachieved as a result of Operation Fiela which was conducted in Rustenburg, Klerksdorp, Potchefstroom, Vryburg and Mahikeng CHALLENGES: None
20 DHA Annual Target: Number of Transgressors of departmental legislation charged in terms of section 49 of the Immigration Acts BASELINE for Province (14/15) ANNUAL TARGET for Province (15/16) QUARTER 1 TARGET for Province 2624 transgressors of departmental legislation charged in terms of section 49 of the Immigration Act 624 transgressors of departmental legislation charged in terms of section 49 of the Immigration Act 156 transgressors of departmental legislation charged in terms of section 49 of the Immigration Act Q1 PROGRESS: Target achieved STATISTICS 843 transgressors charged ANALYSIS The province overachieved as a result of Operation Fiela which was conducted in Rustenburg, Brits, Klerksdorp, Potchefstroom, Vryburg and Mahikeng and training interventions provided to Immigration officials CHALLENGES: None
21 DHA Annual Target: 100% of Detected undocumented foreigners deported directly within 30 Calendar days BASELINE for Province (14/15) ANNUAL TARGET for Province (15/16) QUARTER 1 TARGET for Province 100% of Detected undocumented foreigners deported directly within 30 Calendar days Q1 PROGRESS: Target achieved STATISTICS 100% (32/32) undocumented foreigners directly deported ANALYSIS Direct deportation conducted for special cases only. CHALLENGES: None
22 DHA Annual Target:100% of Detected undocumented foreigners transferred to Lindela within 20 calendar days BASELINE for Province (14/15) ANNUAL TARGET for Province (15/16) QUARTER 1 TARGET for Province 100% of Detected undocumented foreigners transferred to Lindela within 20 calendar days Q1 PROGRESS: Target achieved STATISTICS 100% (853/853) undocumented foreigners directly deported ANALYSIS Province utilise government transport (provincial fleet) to transfer illegal foreigners to Lindela CHALLENGES: None
23 DHA Annual 100% of Cases of fraudulent marriages finalized BASELINE for Province (14/15) ANNUAL TARGET for Province (15/16) QUARTER 1 TARGET for Province 100% of Cases of fraudulent marriages finalized Q1 PROGRESS: Target achieved STATISTICS 100% (1/1) case finalised ANALYSIS Only 1 case was detected and finalised. CHALLENGES: None
24 DHA Annual100% compliance with PFMA regulations framework for payment of invoices within 30 days. BASELINE for Province (14/15) ANNUAL TARGET for Province (15/16) QUARTER 1 TARGET for Province 100% compliance with PFMA regulations framework for payment of invoices within 30 days. Q1 PROGRESS: Target achieved STATISTICS 100% (260/260) of invoices received and paid within 30 days ANALYSIS Capacity sourced from offices to the provincial office to process invoices for payment. CHALLENGES: There is no structure in the PM’s office to cater for devolved functions
STAFF PROFILE LEVELMALEDISABILITYFEMALEDISABILITYTOTAL The Employment Equity target for People with Disability is 2%. The province is currently at 2,6% (16 officials).
27 PROVINCIAL CAPACITY – FILLED AND VACANT FUNDED POSTS Total EstablishmentTotal Filled Vacant Funded Capacity Rate 94.60% Filled 5.40% Vacancy rate
28 Filling of Vacancies: Nr of Posts Advertise ment Closing date of advertisement Deadline for filling Nr of posts advertised Nr of posts shortlisted end of June Nr of posts interviewed end June 2015 Nr of staff assuming duty w.e.f June HRMC15/ 14/2A 31/07/2014Post handled by HQ 111 1HRMC/44/ 15/6 22/6/201531/8/ August HRMC 44/15/4D 22/6/201531/8/ August HRMC/34/ 15/9 25/5/201530/9/ Offer letter issued, awaiting acceptance 1HRMC/44/ 15/12C 22/06/201531/10/ Busy with suitability checks 1HRMC/44/ 15/8 22/6/201531/10/ Busy with suitability checks 1HRMC/44/ 15/7 22/6/201531/10/ To be interviewed SUBTOTAL776
29 Filling of Vacancies: Nr of Posts Advertise ment Closing date of advertisement Deadline for filling Nr of posts advertised Nr of posts shortlisted end of June Nr of posts interviewed end June 2015 Nr of staff assuming duty w.e.f June HRMC/55/ 15/1B 31/3/2015RE – ADVERTISED 111Busy with suitability checks 1HRMC/44/ 15/13B 22/6/201531/10/ Busy with suitability checks 1HRMC/44/ 145/13C 22/6/201531/10/ Busy with suitability checks 1HRMC/55/ 15/6G 30/6/201530/11/ Busy with suitability checks 1HRMC55/ 15/6H 30/6/201530/11/ Filled through transfer 1HRMC/55/ 15/9 30/6/201530/11/ Submission awaiting approval 1HRMC/44/ 15/26E 30/6/201530/11/ Busy with suitability checks SUBTOTAL14 13
30 Filling of Vacancies: Nr of Posts Advertise ment Closing date of advertisement Deadline for filling Nr of posts advertised Nr of posts shortlisted end of June Nr of posts interviewed end June 2015 Nr of staff assuming duty w.e.f June HRMC/28/ 15/10 28/4/201531/7/ Reported 01/08/2015 7HRMC/28/ 15/11 28/4/201531/7/ Reported 01/08/2015 1HRMC/44/ 15/1B 22/6/201531/10/ Busy with suitability checks 1HRMC/25/ 15/10B 1/4/201531/10/ Reported 01 July HRMC/54/ 15/2 14/6/201531/01/ Busy with suitability test and Competency test 1HRMC/35/ 16/15 25/2/201525/11/ Submission awaiting approval SUB TOTAL33 32
31 Filling of Vacancies: POST TO BE ADVERTISED: 2 1 X Immigration Officers : LO Rustenburg (1/6/2015) 1 X Cashier Supervisor : MO Vryburg (01/06/2015) TOTAL NUMBER = 35 VACANT FUNDED POSTS
32 Filling of Vacancies: Breakdown of posts as per advertisement: 1. HRMC/15/14/2A (1 X Provincial Manager: NW) X5. HRMC 28/15/11 (7 X Immigration Officers: POE Makapanstad, MO Itsoseng, MO Taung, MO Atamelang, MO Madikwe, MO Mankwe) X 9. HRMC 44/15/6 (1 X Senior State Accountant : NW Provincial Office) X 2. HRMC/44/15/4D (1 X Senior Admin Officer: Finance. MO Zeerust) X 6. HRMC/34/15/9 ( 1 x Personnel Practitioner : NW Provincial Office) X 10. HRMC/44/15/12C ( 1 X Secretary to DMO Ngaka Modiri Molema) X 3. HRMC/44/15/8 (1 X Senior Secretary to NW Provincial Manager) X 7. HRMC/44/15/7 (1 X Labour Relation Officer: NW Provincial Office) X 11. HRMC44/15/1B (1 X Control Security Officer : NW Provincial Office) X 4. HRMC/55/15/1B (1 X Civic Service Supervisor: MO Vryburg) X 8. HRMC 28/15/10 (8 X Control Immigration Officers: MO Itsoseng, MO Lichtenburg, MO Taung, MO Vryburg, POE Makapanstad, MO Atamelang, MO Madikwe, MO Wolmaranstad) X 12. HRMC/44/15/13C (1 X Mobile Driver : MO Potchefstroom) X
33 Filling of Vacancies: Breakdown of posts as per advertisement: 13. HRMC/55/15/6G ( 1 X Admin Clerk: LO Mmabatho) X 16. HRMC/55/15/6H (1 X Admin Clerk – Mobile Unit: MO Taung) X 19. HRMC/55/15/9 (1 X Cashier : MO Molopo) X 14. HRMC44//15/26E (1 X Cleaner : MO Lichtenburg) X 17. HRMC/64/15/14 (1 x Mobile Driver : LO Rustenburg) 20. HRMC/25/15/10B (1 X Administration Clerk : MO Itsoseng) 15. HRMC/54/15/2 (1 X Local Office Manager: LO Rustenburg) X 18. HRMC/34/16/15 (1 X Cashier : LO Klerkssdorp) X TOTAL NUMBER OF POSTS ADVERTISED = 33 TOTAL NUMBER OF POST NOT ADVERTISED = TOTAL NUMBER VACANT FUNDED =
34 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM DESCRIPTION PERFORMANCE AGREEMENTPERCENTATAGE% PMDS Conducted (2014/15)614100% PMDS (2015/2016) Signing of Performance Agreements 603 out 0f 604 (1 X Temporary Incapacity Leave) 99.8% PMDS Probation 2015/16 (1 st Quarter)16100%
35 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS CASES KEY AREA NUMBER OF CASES REPORTED OUTCOMES Fraud & Corruption22 x finalised (Dismissal) Klerksdorp and Atamelang Misrepresentation1Finalised (Dismissal) Skilpadshek Intoxication on duty1Pending - Investigation report sent to Head Office for assessment. Skilpadshek SANCTIONS Dismissals33 x Dismissals (Atamelang, Klerksdorp & Skilpadshek) Fraud and Corruption Intoxication on duty Mispresentation NATURE OF CASES
36 COUNTER CORRUPTION AND SECURITY SERVICES Cases reported to Counter Corruption Unit: Cases received = 2 Hearings held = 2 (Klerksdorp and Atamelang) Outcome = 2 Dismissals (Klerksdorp and Atamelang) Challenges = None
37 STAFF ENGAGEMENTS MANAGEMENT INTERACTION WITH STAFF The Province interact with staff through the following: Daily operations meetings (in the morning before opening for public) Staff meetings (once per month district level) Broad management meetings monthly (Provincial) Executive Bi monthly meetings (Provincial) STEERCO Meetings (Provincial) Youth Forum ( Provincial)
38 STAFF DEVELOPMENT: 2015/16 MONTH TRAINING CONDUCTED EQUITYRACE AprilPersal: Leave Management1x MaleAfrican MayDHA Induction 3 x Males 5 X FemalesAfricans JuneBAS Training 3 X Males 5 X FemalesAfricans JuneChange Management18 X Males 22 X Females Africans Coloureds Whites TOTAL57
39 MANAGEMENT OF LEAVE Salary LevelNumber of Employees using sick leave Number of employees using vacation leave April to June 2015 Number of employees using Incapacity Leave for current 3 year cycle Number of officials that utilize leave Total Days Taken Sick leave cycle is a 3 year cycle which started 1 st January 2013 and will end 31 st December Every 3 years officials receive 36 days sick leave credits.
40 SUMMARY OF BUDGET 2015/2016 ClassificationVoted R’ 000 Expenditure on BAS as at 30 June 2015 R’ 000 Commitments pending R’000 % Spend as at end June 2015 Projected expenditure R’ 000 Compensation of Employees N/A Goods & Services Transfer & Subsidies Machinery & Equipment N/A Total
41 REVENUE COLLECTION PER DISTRICT DISTRICT REVENUE AMOUNT Bojanala PlatinumR Ngaka Modiri MolemaR Dr Kenneth KaundaR Dr Ruth Segomotsi MompatiR TOTAL R
42 FLEET MANAGEMENT KEY AREANUMBER Vehicles Number of vehicles in the Province97 New vehicles received0 Number of Functional vehicle 94 Number of vehicles involved in accidents3 Mobile offices Number of mobile offices11 Number of dysfunctional mobile offices1 Number of Functional mobile offices10
43 Asset management & SCM Functions: Nr of Assets on Province Fixed Asset Register Additional assets not on register Leased assets F/ L AssetsNot verified 9863NoneN/A5153 AG asset audit concluded at: Mmabatho LO on the 18 th June 2015 Outcomes: 1. Completeness and Existence All assets were found on the floor and on the asset register. 2. Findings. Assets on Fixed Asset Register incorrectly tagged as ring fenced. Assets found on Fixed Asset Register recorded without serial numbers Assets on Fixed Asset Register recorded without conditions
44 Verification of assets conducted on a quarterly basis and daily spot checks for quality control, existence and completeness. Updating of all movement forms and additions on BAUD system on a monthly basis. Maintenance of Asset Registers
46 Office Refurbishment: Atamelang, Molopo and Mankwe Medium Offices (Repair and upgrade) There will be a partial handover of Atamelang and Mankwe on the 11 th September Expected completion date for all three offices is 24 th February Taung Medium Office (construction of new office) Sketch plan will be finalized during the sketch plan committee meeting scheduled for 14 th September Christiana Small Office (New Building Identified) Site inspection meeting was held on the 13 th August Zeerust, Itsoseng and Ganyesa Medium offices moved into new Leased buildings.
IssueAchievementsWhat has improved Stakeholder Collaboration Participation in various service delivery programmes such as Setsokotsane Service delivery extended to a larger number of communities Stakeholder CollaborationParticipation in Operation Fiela More arrests of transgressors of departmental legislation (Immigration Act) Audit Matters The province received few audit findings during the AG visit Improved administrative capacity and efficiency Moetapele Initiative Launch of Moetapele Initiative in Dr Kenneth Kaunda and Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Districts Attitudinal change and culture of professionalism instilled in officials Achievements
IssueChallenges What needs to be been done Office Accommodation Lack of suitable buildings for office accommodation e.g. Provincial Office, Rustenburg Large Office & Ventersdorp Small Office Construction of offices on state owned land Uncollected Identity Documents (Green ID/ID Smart cards) High number of uncollected IDs in offices which expose the department to risk of corruption National communication to encourage clients to collect enabling documents Slow turn up by clients to apply for ID Smart Card Clients not turning up as expected to apply for ID Smart Cards (especially first time applicants) Mobile solution to reach out to far flung areas and schools IT Connectivity Poor network and low bandwidth at some health facilities which impedes efficient service delivery Installation of ADSL at some health facilities Challenges
Thank you Ke a Leboga