QI Inter-professional Education Work Experience with BSN Students Denise Hirst, MSN, RN Quality and Safety Education for Nurses, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation June Conference 2008
Practicum in Nursing: Health Services Improvement Work Experience Practice in health care settings is the course focus. Students participate in a reflective experience that provides the context to integrate classroom and experiential learning into an evolving professional identity. One of three electives: Practicum in Nursing: International Work Experience Practicum in Nursing: Nursing Assistant Work Experience
Course Specifics Students Accelerated BSN students 24-month BSN option students Classes “Hybrid” course 4 on campus classes “touch points” for sharing experiences and key learning opportunities Online classes with weekly assignments 84 clinical practicum hours
Clinical Partnerships Clinical Sites are arranged with existing Clinical Practice Partners Quality Improvement Directors identify project opportunities A project description completed by the Project Coordinator in collaboration with the faculty The stage of the project is determined (conceptualization, early stages, middle, late) Projects are selected Project coordinators, students and faculty meet and discuss the project and clinical expectations
Clinical Practicum Education opportunities for Practice Partner staff and students Clinical hours include Research (literature review) Benchmarking Development of tools On-site activities Surveys Monitoring Data collection
Evaluation Asynchronous group discussion boards Learning Contract (developed by student) Reflective Journal Clinical Evaluation of student performance by both faculty and project coordinator Final Presentation
Pearls Win/win Students gain valuable insight into practice issues, “real” solutions and processes Students develop inter-professional communication skills and enhanced self- confidence Enhanced relationships with clinical partners Opportunities for mentoring Clinical Partner managers/coordinators/staff
Pitfalls Project ends abruptly due to unforeseen issues (example: medication error project ended due to turned to research project and had to apply for IRB approval) Student has difficulty with autonomous role Project opportunities less than projected