Diplomatic and Consular Law
Consular relations – carried out by consuls Consul - no universally acceptable definition - differs from a diplomat (level of business, nature of work, importance of protection)
Proxenity (in the Greek city states) from the 6th century BC Praetor peregrinus (in the Roman Empire) from the 3rd century BC the term´consuls´ (consules missi) first used for venetian officials in Constantinopl (Byzantium) in the 12th century ´capitulations´ between western nations and Turkey after 1453
strenghtening the role of consuls with the expansion of industry and maritime trade great number of bilateral consular treaties (France and Spain, 1769) – the only source of consular law up to 20th century codification: 1928 Havana Convention on Consular Agents (regional); 1963 VCCR; 1967 European Convention on Consular Functions (CE, not yet in force)
On the basis of mutual consent Dependance on diplomatic relations is relative Recognition of state is required Slovak practice in Kosovo (Consular dpt. of Embassy in Belgrad + Liaison Office in Pristina)
Head of a consular post (GC/C/VC/CA) + Other consular officers (consular staff) = consular officers Consular employees Service staff
2 types (according to category of head of the post): - consulate - honorary consulate 4 classes (according to rank of head of the post): - consulate-general - consulate - vice-consulate - consular agency
Practice of the SR: + consular dpt. within the embassies + only general consulates (9)– Shanghai - Munich - Krakow - Békes Csába - S. Peterburg - LA; NY - Istanbul - Uzhgorod
Depends on bilateral agreement If there is none Art. 20 (criteria of reasonability + circumstances)
1) Nomination of MFA of sending State + request adressed to receiving State 2) Official authorisation – exequatur 3) Appointment by MFA - Commission/other document 4) Presentation the Commission to MFA of receiving State = the day of taking up official function 5) Persona non grata /not acceptable
Official authorisation of RS (analogy to agrément) RS may refuse to grant it (without giving any reason) provisional admission is possible (while waiting for) The date of granting determines seniority and precedence
Defined in Art. 5 of VCCR (basically administrative) Carried out within a consular district - whole territory of RS - a part of territory - more than one state
Fundamental consular function Condition of nationality of SC /of EU Member State of emergency Involves: - assisting or repatriating the distitute - helping nationals in the case of arrest/detention - tracing the relatives - visiting in hospital Important notification duty of RC (Art. 36) – breached by US in LaGrand Case (ICJ 2001)
Use of national flag and emblem Inviolability of premises (not absolute) Exemption from taxation Inviolability of archives (´wherever they may be´) Freedom of movement Freedom of communication
Personal inviolability Immunity from jurisdiction Exemption from registration of aliens Exemptions from work permits Social security exemption Exemption from taxation Exemptions from custom duties Exemptions from personal services and contribution
On notification made by the SS On withdrawal of the exequatur On notification made by the RS (persona non grata) By death
Dr. Michaela RIŠOVÁ 2011/2012