Health Report 10 November 2011
Big Health Check – Self Assessment 2011 This report is all about the big NHS health check Each year we look at NHS services to see if health care is getting better for people with a learning disability and to make plans for where more work needs to be done This report is about what has happened from 2010 to 2011
There are 4 main targets in the NHS health check We have to say if they are red, amber or green Red = a lot more work is needed Amber = some work has been done but we could do better Green = Doing well but we have to make sure things stay on target
How did we decide on the score? ? We asked people with a learning disability and their carers by holding special ‘Have Your Say’ events in day centres We asked staff working in health services what they were doing to make health services easier for people with a learning disability We looked for evidence to back up what people said they were doing
Target 1 – Moving people out of NHS homes and into new homes All 54 people previously living in campus homes have now moved into new homes There are 2 people from Dorset who are living in hospitals outside of Dorset One person will move back to Dorset once they have a support plan that everyone agrees is right for them The other person is not ready to be discharged from the hospital yet but has a regular review to make sure that hospital staff are giving the right care
Target 2 – Getting to use the same health services and getting the same treatment as everyone else All 59 Dorset GP surgeries (family doctors) keep a register of patients with a learning disability 56 out of 59 GP surgeries offered health checks Last year 422 people out of 852 had a health check – about half of those known This year 803 had a health check – more than two out of three of the 1179 known
How do we compare?
People are offered health screening in the same way as the rest of the population GP surgeries have easy read information available on screening People who have difficulty swallowing are usually seen by the specialist Speech and Language Therapy service within 2 days of being asked Some health services have made sure that people with learning disabilities are fully included in their plans, for example maternity services and end of life care services
The Primary Care Trust makes sure that all contracts and agreements say that there should be equal access for everyone Easy read information about health is available on local health and social care websites There are 22 people from minority ethnic groups who are known to learning disability services in Dorset People from minority ethnic groups have their needs met through person centred planning There is a plan for people with complex or profound disabilities and their carers
Target 3 – Being safe in NHS care All local acute hospitals have had a review of how well they care for people with a learning disability Each hospital has a plan to make services better There is a Mental Capacity Act team who give advice and training to staff Hospitals and GP surgeries have easy read information about how to make a complaint More than half of the staff working in health services have had training in keeping adults safe from abuse
Target 4 – Making progress on the things that Valuing People Now says we can do to help people’s health Some adults and young people with learning disabilities have short breaks paid for by health People with learning disabilities and their families are fully involved in planning these services There are more staff working in community learning disability teams There are two Intensive Support Teams to provide support for those with more complex needs
There is a plan for young people who are moving into adult services People with learning disabilities and family carers are involved in planning health services for example by – - taking part in Partnership Board meetings - taking part in the Health Action Group - taking part in Have Your Say events There is good partnership working between organisations like health and social care
A plan has been made for supporting people with an autistic spectrum condition Two Intensive Support Teams are now up and running to support people whose behaviour may challenge services. They can be contacted 7 days a week from 8am – 8pm All local mental health services are open to people with learning disabilities A specialist nurse will be working with people who have a learning disability who have offended or are at risk of offending and with prison and custody suite staff
Score summary Top Targets and Key Objectives Totals 2009/ Top Targets and Key Objectives Totals 2010/110179