Rome Part II Chapter 7 Sections 4-6
Building the Empire 2 strengths lead to growth: – Government Emperor made all decisions Provincial governors = very important Twelve Table adjusted as needed – Trade and Transportation Agriculture was most important job All goods went to Rome, then spread out ROADS - close to 60,000 miles – “all roads lead to Rome”
The Big Bad Army Citizens years of service Army posts along frontier Used force if necessary – Uprising in Britain in A.D. 60 destroyed by the army
Social Life HUGE gap between rich and poor – Most people were poor The Wealthy – Often had multiple homes – Running water and private baths – Recreation, leisure, banquets The Poor – Tenant farmers and laborers – Multistory, crowded apartments – Roman government provided grain
The Lowest of the Low Slavery was widespread – Several million when Augustus took power Brutality and harsh treatment – No regulations Could buy freedom
Men, Women, and Children Family was the heart of society, and the father was the head of the family Mother managed the household – Could own property and accept inheritances Education began at home Elementary - reading, writing, math, music Secondary - (only the wealthy) grammar, Greek, literature, composition, expressive speech
Roman Religions Sought harmony with gods Lares = ancestral spirits Vesta = spirit who guided fire and hearth State religion evolved – Promotes patriotism, loyalty, and unity Sought harmony with gods Lares = ancestral spirits Vesta = spirit who guided fire and hearth State religion evolved – Promotes patriotism, loyalty, and unity
“Bread and Circuses” Give people what they want to be superficially happy Political and social strategy Used games, theater and recreation as distractions and morale boosters
Recreation in the Empire Theater – Comedies and satires – Mimes, jugglers, dancers, acrobats, clowns Chariot Racing – Circus Maximus Gladiators – The Colosseum – Wild beasts – slave battles
Advancing the Arts Virgil = greatest Roman poet – Aeneid Horace – Odes, satires, and epistles about human emotion Tacitus = historian – Annals - history of Rome that criticizes social gap Plutarch – Compared Greeks and Romans
Architecture Aqueducts Concrete Arches and vaulted domes Great public buildings
Science and Language Ptolemy – Astronomer Galen – Summarized all medical knowledge Romans adapted Greek to create Latin – We use Latin alphabet, plus J,Y, and W
Christianity in Rome Romans practiced pagan religions, with similar gods throughout the empire Emperor = divine ruler ***What problems would this cause for a Jewish or Christian town/city? ***What other threats might Christianity pose? Romans practiced pagan religions, with similar gods throughout the empire Emperor = divine ruler ***What problems would this cause for a Jewish or Christian town/city? ***What other threats might Christianity pose?
We Didn’t Start the Fire In 64 A.D., a great fire burned Rome Rumors erupted that Nero himself started it He blamed it on the Christians Christians hid in catacombs In 64 A.D., a great fire burned Rome Rumors erupted that Nero himself started it He blamed it on the Christians Christians hid in catacombs
Constantine Saw the Sign Emp. Constantine prays before battle in 312 A.D. Has a vision of a cross Puts crosses on shields and battle flags Wins battle
Changes Across the Empire Edict of Milan - Christianity is now legal Constantine builds churches and declares Sunday as a holy day Not baptized until his death bed 380 B.C. - Theodosius makes Christianity the official religion Edict of Milan - Christianity is now legal Constantine builds churches and declares Sunday as a holy day Not baptized until his death bed 380 B.C. - Theodosius makes Christianity the official religion