News Y2K June 25, 2007
Summary of June 12 Face-to-Face Meeting
June 12 th Meeting Agenda TimeTopics 8:30 – 12:00 Energy Frontier – ILC, LHC, and beyond 1. ILC R&D, System Test, Industrialization ILC Scenarios 2. LHC accelerator upgrades 3. R&D steps needed for colliders beyond ILC and LHC 1:00 – 4:00 Physics Opportunities beyond Energy Frontier 1. Physics Review:, , K, B, C, … 2. Required Facilities: a) Reconfiguration of existing accelerator complex b) New accelerators Review of Required Facilities 4:00 – 6:00Sketching Possible Roadmaps 6:00 – 6:30Final Report Format
Physics Opportunities Accelerator Based, Not Energy Frontier –Neutrino Physics –Precision measurements involving charged leptons and quarks Needed Facilities –High intensity, , K, anti-proton beams –High luminosity colliders
Criteria –Will the physics be important in a global context when the experiment is done? –Can it be done uniquely or substantially better at Fermilab than at other labs? –Is the experiment unique in its physics reach? Timeline –Near term ( ) Experiments that could start construction “soon” –Mid term ( ) Physics Opportunities: Criteria
“Reconfiguration of existing accelerator complex” followed by “higher intensity proton sources” offers a rich program of neutrino, kaon and muon physics in near and longer term –Physics driver is search for Beyond the Standard Model Physics “Antiproton source” offers short term (and small scale) opportunity for hyperon CP violation Longer term (and larger scale) opportunities: –Flavor physics at Super B factory –Electroweak Precision at Giga-Z –Need community-wide input on priorities Physics Group: Conclusions
ILC Scenarios Considered EDR 1. Baseline (Technically Driven Schedule) ConstructionRun EDRConstructionFunding Cycle 2. ILC Slow by ~2 years (e.g. waiting for LHC results, …) EDRConstructionFunding Cycle 3. ILC Slow by ~5 years (e.g. waiting for LHC results, international agreements, …) EDR 4. LHC says we need > 1 TeV Funding Cycle EDR Complete, LHC 1st Data Can we see the horizon? ILC Decision 5. ILC Offshore: To be discussed
FY In all scenarios Energy Frontier TevatronRun LHC detector upgradeFundCyc.Build Run CLIC, Muon Collider, VLHCR&D Advanced AcceleratorR&D Neutrino MINOS, MiniBooNE, SciBooNERun MINERvABuild Run NOvABuild Run Particle Astrophysics 1. ILC baseline scenario ILCEDR FundCyc.Build Run sNuMI ++FundCyc.Build Run 2. ILC slow LHC Results, … ILCEDR R&D FundCyc.Build LHC UpgradeFundCyc.Build Run sNuMI ++FundCyc.Build Run non accelerator research 3. ILC slow R&D, fund, build, … ILCEDR R&D FundCyc.Build LHC UpgradeFundCyc.Build Run Project X (8GeV & 120 GeV intense proton sources: ILC-like) FundCyc.Build Run 4. LHC says need > 800 GeV 5. ILC Off-shore
End Game of FNAL Strategic Plan / Roadmap
Communicated with –Fermilab Program Advisory Committee –Fermilab Accelerator Advisory Committee Chair –P5 Chair –HEPAP Chair –Robin Staffin
Steering Group Final Report to Pier Oddone –August 1, 2008 –Physics opportunities accelerator facility roadmap examples of experiments/physics along the roadmap Fermilab Accelerator Advisory Committee (AAC) meeting –Review of the accelerator facility roadmap –August 8-10, 2007 Fermilab Program Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting –Review of the physics roadmap –Early November, 2007 (TBD)
P5 –Steering Group Report to P5 (final report) September 24-25, 2007 –P5 review of the FNAL roadmap Recommendations from FNAL AAC and PAC as input ~Feb, 2008 HEPAP –Steering Group Report to HEPAP (progress report) July 13, 2007 –Steering Group Report to HEPAP (final report) November 2008 –P5 Report to HEPAP ~July 2008
Jul 2007 Aug 2007 Sep 2007 Oct 2007 Nov 2007 Dec 2007 Jan 2008 Feb 2008 Mar 2008 Apr 2008 May 2008 Jun 2008 Jul 2008 Jun 2007 P5 Review FNAL AAC Review SG Report to P5 FNAL PAC Review SG Report to HEPAP Steering Group (SG) Report to Pier Oddone Good timing for FY10 Budget Preparation SG Report PAC P5 Report to HEPAP SG Report to HEPAP
Report from Accelerator Subgroups 4, 5
Subgroup 4 (Accelerator Facilities) Steve Hohmes got FNAL people to look into various options which were presented to the Steering group: –Dave McGinnis is leading effort to come up with a more complete concept on Project X, including synergies with ILC. –Mike Syphers is leading effort to understand utilization of the Tevatron as either a high intensity 800 GeV fixed target machine, or a 120 GeV stretcher ring. –Sergei Ngaitsev is identifying possible synergies between SuperB factory and an ILC damping ring. Steve will present these efforts on July 9-10 meeting.
Subgroup 5 (Beyond ILC) This week’s activities –Meeting with Bob Palmer to understand what is needed for muon collider stay alive