Kinder Garden Project
Description: The creation of a kinder garden for the Syrian refugee children aged between 3 and 6. It will consist of: 1-three classrooms 2-one activities and dining room 3-administrative office 4-public utilities: one kitchen and toilets
Beneficiaries: children aged between 3 and 6 families who can afford the cost for private kinder garden families wanting to offer their children the opportunity to start learning at an early age
Communication Channels: children aged The purpose of the project and its advantages are communicated through: social media channels organizing a meeting for parents stressing on the importance of providing the correct foundation for the young generation who will be the builders of the future.
Financial Aspect: A private business that will cover its own cost through the fees collected from the children families.
Financial Aspect: A private business that will cover its own cost through the fees collected from the children families.