September , 2012 Dr. Harper’s Plans and Agendas Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills
Language Arts Monday, September 24, 2012 Target Learning: I can identify and interpret figurative language. RD 1.2 Word of the Day: Adjective: Words that have comparative and superlative endings, or that function as modifiers of nouns, like good, wise, or perfect.
Language Arts, p. 2 Monday, September 24, 2012 Writing Prompt: On this day in 1789, the Supreme Court was established. Write (5) questions you would like to ask about the Supreme Court.
Language Arts, p. 3 Monday, September 24, 2012 Period 5: Needs to check proofreading sentences from last week (on my desk on period shelf). Also, P 5 & 6 need to complete S & P test & SS test (in folder). Proofreading Sentences: a. at megs house the Lin family eated raw cellery for the first time b. everybody at the table share food that is in the large surving dish
Language Arts, p.4 Monday, September 24, 2012 Before you read The All American Slurp, p Guided reading and note taking notes: Create a subject and theme chart. What is a subject? What is a theme? What should you always try to connect a theme to? What do you do when you summarize a story? How many parts is the story The All American Slurp divided into? You will write a summary after reading each part.
Language Arts, p. 5 Monday, September 24, 2012 Quick Write: Write a paragraph about a time when you were embarrassed because you didn’t know how you were supposed to behave in a new situation, p (Period 2 did not finish questions for p. 118). Homework: Complete a word map for each of the words in the vocabulary development box on p. 118: lavishly, mortified, spectacle, etiquette.
Social Studies Monday, September 24, 2012 Target Learning: I can explain how I might feel if I discovered something like the Chauvet Cave. HSS Connecting to Literature: The Boy in the Painted Cave, worksheet, pp Team Activity: Cave painters created images of things they saw every day, such as deer, mammoths, and hunters. Imagine that you are a cave painter. Create a mural that represents your daily life. (Teacher provides large bulletin board paper for this project).
Study Skills Monday, September 24, 2012 Target Learning: I can locate the main idea of a paragraph, paraphrase the main idea, and write a summary of the article. Collect autobiography pages 12, 13, and 14. Discuss writing summaries using questions from TE p Reading & Summarizing Article: No More Windmills? From Scholastic News Online: 526&print=1 Paraphrase, edit, share, and wrap-up: TE p
No More Windmills?
Language Arts Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Target Learning: I can identify and interpret figurative language. RD 1.2 Word of the Day: Auxiliary verb – a word used in construction with and preceding certain forms of other verbs, as infinitives or participles, to express distinctions of tense, aspect, mood, etc.
Language Arts, p. 2 Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Writing Prompt: On September 25, 1513, Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean. What types of things do you think we still have to discover about the ocean? Prompt created by: © 2006 Photo: ©
Language Arts, p. 3 Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Proofreading Sentences: a. much student’s beleive in volunteering in their comunities b. some adventurers searches hopfully for beried treasure
Language Arts, p. 4 Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Instruction: Guided Reading: All American Slurp, pp Audio CD – 1 st reading. All American Slurp Summaries, pp Guided – 2 nd reading. Stop after each section to write group summaries. Homework: Write summaries for each of the six sections in the story All American Slurp.
All American Slurp Summaries, pp Summary for Section 1: The Lins eat at the Gleasons’ and make noise with celery, which they’ve never eaten raw. They aren’t sure how to act at a buffet.
Social Studies Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Complete Team Project—The Cave Painter’s Mural. Share Murals. Chapter 2 Story Board Project Introduce project. Discuss due date and record in Reminder Binder. Discuss tasks to complete and develop a timeline for completion. Cornell Notes: Chapter 2:2
Primary Source: The Discovery of the Chauvet Cave. Independent reading and three comprehensive questions. Check/discuss. (Tomorrow)
Study Skills Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Target Learning: I can edit my writing using an organized system. TE p Discuss the Importance of Editing, TE p Writing and Editing practice, TE Writing Prompt: (next slide). Edit using Editing Checklist, EF p. 45. Discuss & Wrap-up, TE p
Study Skills Tuesday, September 25, 2012 REVISED PLANS Review work and complete any incomplete assignments up to pp. 44. The math textbook pages can be done outside of class with the math textbook.
Study Skills Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Writing Prompt: On September 23, 1938, a seven-foot time capsule was buried on the grounds of the World’s Fair in New York City. A number of everyday items were placed in the capsule with the directions to be opened in five thousand years. If your teacher asked you to create a time capsule today, what items would you place in the capsule and why? Prompt created by: © 2009 Photo: ©
Language Arts Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Target Learning: I can identify and interpret figurative language. RD 1.2 Word of the Day: Article: Words that are linked to nouns and that typically identify the noun as a noun rather than describing it.
Language Arts Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Writing Prompt: On September 26, 1774, John Chapman was born. Later in life, he became better known as Johnny Appleseed. Johnny performed a “community service” as he traveled west spreading apple seeds. Write about some types of community service that you could possibly perform. Prompt created by: © 2006 Photo: ©
Language Arts Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Proofreading Sentences: a. lets go fishing b. do your dog have a sense of humor
Language Arts Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Literary Response and Analysis, p. 128 Reading Check: 1. Sum-up the six episodes of the story. Interpretations, #2-4 Evaluation, #5 Vocabulary Development, p Trade/grade. Homework: Study for All American Slurp test tomorrow. Bring HANDBOOK!!
Social Studies Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Target Learning: I can explain how people moved out of Africa as the earth’s climate changed. Guided reading: Chapter 2, section 2, pp Students read and take Cornell Notes. Check notes with teacher’s PowerPoint. Start Assessment Questions, p. 39. Finish for homework.
Study Skills Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Target Learning: I can create and use acronyms and acrostics. TE p Discussion: How do you remember information for a test? Read & Practice: Acronyms and acrostics, pp Review mnemonic devices— Create individual acronym or acrostic memory devices for all content areas.
Language Arts Thursday, September 27, 2012 Target Learning: I can identify complete predicates and verbs in sentences. WOC 1.1 Word of the Day: Review 14 Parts of Speech words for quiz tomorrow (see next slide).
Language Arts, p. 2 Thursday, September 27, 2012 Writing Prompt: September is “National Classical Music Month.” Write about what you know about classical music.
Parts of Speech in English Indirect object Verb Gerund Conjunction Noun Preposition Adverb Infinitive Direct object Interjection Pronoun Adjective Auxiliary verb Article
Language Arts, p. 2 Thursday, September 27, 2012 Proofreading Sentences: bailey always standed up for him’s sister b. maya angelou admirered her hansome funny brother
Language Arts, p. 3 Thursday, September 27, 2012 Instruction: All American Slurp comprehension test. HOLT Handbook: I can identify and write complete predicates and verbs. WOC 1.1. Independent Practice: Exercises 5, 6, & 7, pp Trade/grade/discuss.
Social Studies Thursday, September 27, 2012 Target Learning: I can explain how people adapted to new environments by making clothing and new types. HSS Check Assessment Questions, p. 39. Study Guide, worksheets pp Draw a building plan with written instructions for a Mesolithic dwelling. Homework: Study for Chapter 2:2 test.
Study Skills Thursday, September 28, 2012 Target Learning: I can categorize a list of items to help develop better memorization skills. TE p & 54. Student Executive Function pp
Language Arts Friday, September 28, 2012 Target Learning: I can identify and use simple and complete predicates in sentences. WOC 1.1 Word of the Day: Quiz over The Parts of Speech Vocabulary.
Language Arts, p. 2 Friday, September 28, 2012 Writing Prompt: Today is “Native American Day.” Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about a Native American tribe that used to live in or near your area. Summarize your information in your own words. Writing Prompts created by: © 2012 Photo: ©
Language Arts, p. 3 Friday, September 28, 2012 Review Simple and Complete Predicates, pp in HOLT Handbook. Test: Simple Predicates and Complete Predicates, worksheets, pp. 6-9.
Social Studies Friday, September 28, 2012 Target Learning: I can explain how the first farmers learned to grow plants and raise animals in the Stone Age. HSS Chapter 2:2 Test. Guided Reading and Cornell Notes, pp
Study Skills Friday, September 28, 2012 Target Learning: I can use categorization to improve memorization skills. TE pp Complete work from yesterday.