Missouri Energy Center Energy Loan Program
Energy Loan Program Helps finance energy efficiency improvements Helps finance upgrades on new construction encouraging efficient design and construction
Innovative funding ideas!
Program Facts Approximately 400 loans since 1988 Valued at more than $65 million $72 million in cumulative savings.
Environmental Impact Reduced emissions: Carbon dioxide25.1 million pounds Sulfur dioxide217,000 pounds Nitrogen oxides100,000 pounds
How it Works - Identify energy saving project - Contact Energy Center (Bob) - Estimate cost and savings of project - Complete Loan Application - Sign Loan Agreement - Complete project and see savings! - Repay loan and reap full benefits
Owner Eligibility -Public K-12 school districts -City & county governments -Water & sewer districts -City, county & district hospitals -State universities & colleges
What’s New? -Loan money now leveraged with bonds -Project size up to $2 million per project -Paybacks up to 16 years -Competitive rates -State universities & colleges are eligible
Types of Projects -Insulation-Lighting -HVAC-Controls -Windows-Management Systems -Renewable energy projects Projects that reduce energy costs!
Examples Owner Loan Savings St. Joe SD $517K$82K Dora SD $80K$10K Rockwood SD $600K$75K City of STL $2M $375K KC water Treat. $150K$37K
Loans for New Construction -Performance exceeding ASHRAE Estimate using modeling -Possibilities: High performance HVAC Daylighting Passive solar Other ideas? We challenge owners and the A/E community!
Hypothetical Case Energy efficiency is a priority: -Passive solar orientation+$10 -Increased building mass+$10 -Extensive daylighting+$20 -Energy management system+$10 Resulting in: -Reduced H&C loads and HVAC size -Reduced HVAC operating costs -Reduced electric lighting costs
Hypothetical Case (cont’d) -Cost of construction for EE items = $50 -Modeling: annual energy costs = -$5 -Loan for up to $58 for construction costs After payback, owner has all savings for other budget needs and has a better building!
Questions? Bob Painter Department of Natural Resources 4750 Troost Ave. Kansas City, MO (816) Ext