Continuing Professional Development Unit OFFICE OF LIFELONG LEARNING
REMIT of CPD Unit To provide administrative services to the University for the delivery of short courses, lectures, seminars and academic conferences
CPD Team Amy Middlemass -Assistant Director - CPD Barbara Badger - Course Coordinator Arlene Sievwright - Course Coordinator Jacky Perry - CPD Secretary Mandy Wells – CPD Secretary
Current eCPD Activity y Mastering Clinical Audit y Law and Medical Ethics y Forensic Medicine and Science y Clinical Education
Mastering Clinical Audit yadapted from a one-day face-to-face course ystart any time y28 days to complete y£145 fee yno student support or feedback yno credit ycontent written by academic and technical support provided by LTS
Law and Medical Ethics y10 modules y10 weeks ystart same time y£80 per module £645 for 10 yno credit ycontent written by academic
Forensic Medicine y4 online CPD modules ystart same time – group work y10 weeks y£300 y6 courses to get a Certificate ycontent written by academic and technical support provided by LTS
Clinical Education y3 online CPD modules ystart same time – group work y10 weeks y£300 yno credit ycontent written by academic and technical support provided by LTS
What can OLL provide? y online registration and payment y assistance with marketing y management of finances and distribution of funds