Policy Issues in Regard to “Production and Marketing” A Presentation by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (MoTIC) Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives “Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade & world class industrial products and services” 2
Mandate “To formulate, review and support policies, strategies, plans and programs that promote and ensure expansion and diversification of trade, cooperatives, environmentally sustainable industrialization, appropriate technology development and transfer to generate wealth for poverty eradication and benefit the country socially and economically.” 3 3 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives “Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade & world class industrial products and services”
Vision and Mission Vision: “Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade and world class industrial products and services” Mission: “To develop and promote a competitive and export-led Private Sector through accelerating industrial development for economic growth.” 4 4 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives “Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade & world class industrial products and services”
Issues for LG attention MoTIC indicators have been included in the Minimum National Service Delivery Standards and the revised Assessment tool. Guidelines for the Utilization of the Conditional Grant in FY were disseminated. Provide timely and accurate data on their plans, achievements and status on programme implementation to the MoTIC (multiple reporting issue) Self-Awareness on policy and legal framework on Sector for regulation and promotion of Sector ( Collect and gather sector data and statistics on the ground for follow-up by MoTIC and TTI-SWG Issues discussed and agreed at the LG Grant Negotiations for FY 2014/15 “Serving with dignity, pride and joy” 5
Grant Allocation Formulae Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives “Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade & world class industrial products and services” 6 The Total Conditional Grant given by the Sector is UGX. 108,000,000/= only. For reasonable performance, it can only be shared among 15 districts equitably as rollout with more to reach out to later. A criteria was used to select the Districts to access the Grant. Therefore, the IPFs are simply generated using; IPF = Allocation Ratio (1:15) x Total Grant
Issues Raised for 2014/15 Issues during the Local Government Conditional Grant Negotiations for FY 2014/15 “Serving with dignity, pride and joy” 7
Agreed Action 1 The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives should advocate for the development of a structure to sufficiently cater for the mandated responsibilities i.e. trade promotion, marketing among others 8 8 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives “Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade & world class industrial products and services”
Progress made 9 9 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives “Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade & world class industrial products and services” The Ministry’s proposals for restructuring were adopted and a Department of Commercial Services has been approved by the MoPS. Ministry of Public Service (MoPS) reviewed the Schemes of Service for the Commercial Officers in July 2013 and has recommended a split from the Production and Marketing Department at the LGs. The restructuring exercise is still ongoing and is currently at consultation stage with MoLG and MoFPED.
Agreed Action 2 MTIC should lobby and advocate for the expansion in resources of the District Trade and Commercial Services Grant and in its coverage to all districts and municipalities Progress Consultations on going with support from LGFC Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives “Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade & world class industrial products and services” 10
Agreed action The Trade Licensing Regulations should be revised in consultation with the Local Governments. Progress made LGFC to present Local government views on the Trade Licensing Amendment Bill to the Tourism trade and Industry Committee of Parliament “Serving with dignity, pride and joy” 11
Agreed position The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives should continue to actively engage all Local Government commercial officers in their activities i.e. both District and Municipality commercial officers. “Serving with dignity, pride and joy” 12
Progress All DCOs have been trained on mainstreaming Trade in the District/Municipal Development Plans under the EPA TAPSS project. The Ministry through the DICOSS project has renovated 25 DCOs and equipped them with furniture and computers Some DCOs have been recommended for short courses within and outside the country “Serving with dignity, pride and joy” 13
Agreed Position The MoTIC should expedite amendment of the Cooperative Societies Act to provide for the clear regulation of SACCOs. MO TIC should also increase awareness creation in the Local Governments on its mandate to register and regulate Cooperatives of any nature as provided in the current law. Progress: consultations on going “Serving with dignity, pride and joy” 14
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Farmers House, 3 rd – 6 th Floor Plot 6/8, Parliament Avenue P.O. Box 7103, Kampala, Uganda Tel:(+256) , (+256) Fax:(+256) Website: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives “Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade & world class industrial products and services” 15 Contacts
Thank You for listening! “For God and My Country” Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives “Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade & world class industrial products and services” 16 END