Spring 2010 Jacquelyn Iannuzzo & Erin Hamlin Room 2121.


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Presentation transcript:

Spring 2010 Jacquelyn Iannuzzo & Erin Hamlin Room 2121

Kinetic Energy A ball rolling down a hill shows kinetic energy. A ball about to roll down a hill shows potential energy. Force- a push or a pull Work- the ability to move and change objects Energy- what makes things move Potential Energy- is stored energy. It’s called potential because it has the potential to be converted into other forms of energy. Kinetic Energy- is the extra energy an object possesses to use its motion once it has accelerated. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. Different forms of energy are… Light energy, Sound energy, Heat energy, Chemical energy, Mechanical energy, Electrical energy.

Magnet- an object that attracts certain other objects toward it. Magnetism- is an attractive force. Law of Magnetic attraction- states that like poles ( north & north, south & south poles) push apart or repel and unlike poles (north & south poles) come together or attract. This picture shows the law of magnetic attraction. The north & north poles are repelling the same thing is happening to the south & south poles. The north and south poles are attracting. Magnetic field- the area around a magnet where the force of a magnet acts or is felt. This picture demonstrates the magnetic field lines.

Sunlight is made up of many different colors of light, but all together, they look light to our eyes. Another name for light that is separated is spectrum. spectrum Refract- when light passes through a prism, it gets refracted or bent. Additive color mixing is mixing light beams because each beam of light adds its colors to the mixture- which is why light on the screen from combined beams is brighter than the light from either beam by itself. Subtractive Color Mixing- Pigment: the color of an object. Pigments make objects appear, colored by absorbing, or ‘swallowing up’ most of the colors of light that hit them and reflecting, or bouncing back, the rest. ROYGBIV- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet Prism- a solid transparent object that redirects and separates light rays Why we see different colors: On the color yellow every color of the rainbow hits the object except yellow and gets absorbed and reflects or bounces back as yellow. The same thing happens to any other color.

A) Come together. Does diverge mean… B) Spread apart.C) Go straight.

Diverge does mean to spread apart. Diverge- the light hits the mirror/ lens and spreads apart. The opposite of diverge is to converge which means to “come together.” Converge- the light hits the mirror/ lens and comes together and crosses.

Next question: Does concave mean… A) Curve inward.B) Curve outward.C) Go straight.

Yes, concave does mean to curve inward. A concave lens/ mirror curves inward. A convex lens/ mirror curves outward. The opposite of concave is convex or curve outward.

A) To bend.B) To bounce back.C) To go straight. Next question: Reflect means:

Reflect DOES mean to bounce back. The opposite of reflect is to refract which means to bend. The light ray bounces back off of a flat mirror.

A light ray is part of a beam of light that travels in a straight line. Light Ray

Sound energy- is energy that you can hear and is made from vibrating objects Vibrations- back and forth movement Frequency (pitch)- the degree of highness or lowness of sound as heard by the listener based on the amount of sound waves in a second Volume- how loud or soft something sounds Sound Waves- carries sound from the source to the receiver This picture shows that the closer together the sound waves are the higher the pitch and the farther apart the sound waves are the lower the pitch. nerve cochlea bone eardrum hammer anvil stirrup To hear we need the bran, cochlea, auditory nerve and many other muscles.

Engineering- the knowledge of math and science to help people solve problems. Technology- anything that people create to solve a problem Engineering Design Process- the process that helps you design something. The steps you take are ask, imagine, plan, create, and improve. Ask means to ask questions. Imagine means to imagine your design. Plan means to plan your design. Create means to create your design. Improve means to improve your design.