East Melas Chasma: Insight into Valles Marineris Matt Chojnacki & Brian Hynek Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space the University of Colorado S
Ophir Chasma Hebes Chasma Candor Chasma Melas Chasma Ganges Chasma Corprates Chasma
EMC EDL Site Characteristics EMC Landing Site Motivation Insight into to aqueously altered Interior layered deposits (ILDs)Insight into to aqueously altered Interior layered deposits (ILDs) Light and dark-toned VM floor material associated with topographic lows (standing water? layered floor?)Light and dark-toned VM floor material associated with topographic lows (standing water? layered floor?) Possible inverted fluvial featuresPossible inverted fluvial features Excavated floor material from nearby ~2km craterExcavated floor material from nearby ~2km crater Nearby wall material lending clues to stratigraphy of the upper crustNearby wall material lending clues to stratigraphy of the upper crust Atmospheric observationsAtmospheric observations 20km ellipse centered on °E °N20km ellipse centered on °E °N Mean elevation= mMean elevation= m Alternative ellipses ~22km W and ~21km SEAlternative ellipses ~22km W and ~21km SE
0.13<0.25albedo 244 J m -2 s -0.5 K -1 >100 J m -2 s -0.5 K - 1 TES thermal inertia Load bearing surface Relatively low albedo and high thermal inertia imply radar reflective surface. Ka band reflective and >0.01 Radar reflectivity At altitudes of 0 to 10 km above the surface [1]≤ 10m/sSteady state vertical Average of 18m/s over 3 sols (8am-8pm local time) [1] ≤ 30m/sSteady state horizontal Winds 12.1%~10%Rock abundance (IRTM) MOC NA shows relatively smooth surface free of aeolian features ≤ 15°5m length scale THEMIS VIS/MOC NA show a smooth unmantled surface ≤ 15°20 to 40m length scale 0.3°/0.8°0.36°/1.0°0.39°/0.9°0.42°/1.45° 5km4km3km2km (avg/max) ≤ 3°2 to 5km length scaleSlopes EMC Candidate Landing SiteRequirementEngineering Parameter Table 1: Summary of engineering requirements [1] Rafkin, S. (2004) unpublished data.
20 km M V M V km 2.9 km
14 km E Poly-hydrated Sulfates as detected by OMEGA 3 km 500 m
Summary for EMC EDL, trafficability & PP look good and have flexibility EDL, trafficability & PP look good and have flexibility Help determine the Valles Marineris water history present and past Help determine the Valles Marineris water history present and past Interior layered deposits and hydrated minerals Interior layered deposits and hydrated minerals At -5km a large atmospheric column & radiation environment to observe At -5km a large atmospheric column & radiation environment to observe Amazing observations of Mars that will inspire future scientist/explorers Amazing observations of Mars that will inspire future scientist/explorers
Matt Golombek’s “Keys” to being a high priority MSL landing sight Layered Sedimentary Rocks Layered Sedimentary Rocks Outcrops, No Floats Outcrops, No Floats No/Little Dust No/Little Dust Low Energy Depositional Sedimentary Facies Low Energy Depositional Sedimentary Facies XInterior Layered Deposits X X ~0.96 TES Dust Index XPoly-hydrated Sulfates East Melas Chasma
References Gendrin, A., et al., (2005), Sulfates in Martian Layered Terrains: The OMEGA/Mars Express View, Science, 307, Gendrin, A., et al., (2005), Sulfates in Martian Layered Terrains: The OMEGA/Mars Express View, Science, 307, Lucchitta, K.B., Geologic Map of Ophir and Central Candor Chasmata (MTM-05072) of Mars, U.S. Geologic Survey., MAP I-2568, Lucchitta, K.B., Geologic Map of Ophir and Central Candor Chasmata (MTM-05072) of Mars, U.S. Geologic Survey., MAP I-2568, Quantin, C., P et al., (2005), Sulfate Deposits identified by OMEGA in Melas Chasma, Lunar Planet. Sci., XXXVI, Abstract Quantin, C., P et al., (2005), Sulfate Deposits identified by OMEGA in Melas Chasma, Lunar Planet. Sci., XXXVI, Abstract Rafkin S. C., (2004) unpublished data. Rafkin S. C., (2004) unpublished data. Ruff, S. and P. Christensen, (2003), A SPECTRALLY-BASED GLOBAL DUST COVER INDEX FOR MARS FROM THERMAL EMISSION SPECTROMETER DATA., First Landing Site Workshop for MER 2003, Abstract Ruff, S. and P. Christensen, (2003), A SPECTRALLY-BASED GLOBAL DUST COVER INDEX FOR MARS FROM THERMAL EMISSION SPECTROMETER DATA., First Landing Site Workshop for MER 2003, Abstract Witbeck, N. E., K. L. Tanaka, and D. H. Scott (1991), Geologic Map of the Valles Marineris region, Mars, MAP I-2010, U.S. Geologic Survey. Witbeck, N. E., K. L. Tanaka, and D. H. Scott (1991), Geologic Map of the Valles Marineris region, Mars, MAP I-2010, U.S. Geologic Survey.