Offline Operations Aidan Robson (for the offline group) CDF Weekly, 6 August 2010 Calibrations: Calibration tables are being finalised for p30 (13 April – 19 June, 460/pb) after rerunning beamlines to account for detector sinking Calibration jobs are running for p31 (up to shutdown). Production: Ready to begin p30 Special diffractive run processing in progress. Ntupling: Period 29 complete.
Data Handling / Network Dcache: low load, no problems Enstore: low load, no problems Diskpool: no problems Network : no problems Databases : no problems
CAF / Grid CDFGrid: Good performance. Off-site: Available; underused. Please use offsite resources or we stand to lose them. NamGrid PacCAF CNAF Running Waiting PacCAF is down; administrators are working to restore it. Temporary glitch with CafMon / CafSubmit was fixed
Personnel Roman Lysák has moved back to Slovakia He has been very active in the offline group for many years – Thank you!!!
Reminders Remember to switch to “.m” code releases m, 6.1.4mc.m, m and m (there is no physics change compared to 6.1.4, 6.1.4mc, and 7.0.1, but these new versions support SL5 and should be used on all platforms). Coming (~ 27 August): cdfgrid 100% to SL5 final SL3 ILP node retiral (fcdflnx4) final SL4 ILP node upgrade to SL5 (fcdflnx2) old SRT releases (the non-”.m” releases) will be removed. Trailer desktops Fermilab computer security policy requires: – all SL3 machines removed from network /upgraded by 10 Oct – any SL4 machine to be running at least SL4.8 by 10 Oct Karen is contacting institutions with suggestions, but it is up to institutions to schedule any upgrades you require, via the servicedesk.