Nazis in Power Part 2: Terror and Force Totalitarian State
Enabling Act - Background Introduced by Hitler on 24th March 1933. Gave Hitler the power to rule Germany on his own for four years, but ruled as Fuhrer for 12 years. Hitler was now able to begin the systematic destruction of the Democratic ideals established by the Weimar Republic.
Totalitarian State = Government control of EVERYTHING Every aspect of life – e.g. employment, education, youth and leisure – was controlled and regulated by the State. It was said that the only time when a totalitarian state is not in control of an individual is when that person is asleep
We will look at: Trade Unions Political parties Censorship Gestapo, SS and Camps 5. Nazification
1. Trade Unions 2nd May 1933 – all trade unions dissolved. Workers’ and employers’ groups were absorbed into the Nazi Labour Front – easily controlled by government
2. Political Parties 14th July 1933 – Hitler banned all political parties apart from the National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party. This signified creation of a one party state so no free elections, free protest or political meetings allowed
3. Censorship Newspapers critical of the Nazis were closed down. Nazis supplied Germans with cheap radios so everyone could hear the Fuhrer. Nazi propaganda shown in cinemas Speakers were put up on street corners so no one could avoid Nazi propaganda. State radio messages from the Fuhrer were compulsory work stopped to listen to them The Völkischer Beobachter ("People's Observer") - Official paper of the Nazi Party
4. SS & Gestapo Originally formed as a personal bodyguard for the Fuhrer, the SS became the most important police agency in the Reich. The leader of the SS was Heinrich Himmler. Main function was to track down and eliminate all opponents of the Reich, used torture and terror, had its own courts. Had its own secret police to spy on Germans called the Gestapo. Had a wide range of informants, most Germans afraid to be openly critical of Hitler. Particularly effective in persecuting the Jews and Communists.
Camps Became the symbol of terror of the Third Reich. The first camps were established in 1933 at Dachau and Belsen, with the intention of reforming opponents of the regime so that they could be rehabilitated into the new Reich. At first, the camps housed mainly criminals and Communists. Later filled with political, religious and social groups who displeased Hitler: Socialists, Democrats, Jehovah’s Witnesses, clergy, academics, homosexuals, gypsies, trade union officials etc.
5. Nazification Opponents of the Nazi regime sacked from jobs (police, courts, civil service) Teachers who would not support the Nazis sacked – teachers had to sign up to National Socialist Teachers’ League Teachers were expected to teach only Nazi views and new topics such as eugenics (race studies)
Totalitarian State - Analysis Even if people did not support the policies of the Nazis, there was no way to legally protest in Nazi Germany (can’t strike, have meetings or vote for another party) People knew that the SS/ Gestapo were watching their every move and opponents would be sent to camps – people were terrified into compliance with the government Many people who did oppose the regime kept quiet as being obedient was the only way to keep your job
Nazis in Power Essay Plan we will now add today’s information on to the plan for this essay Terror/ Force TOTALITARIANISM KU: A: