KKK and Racial Cleansing
Resurgence of the KKK Ku Klux Klan originally started after Civil War to keep former slaves in their “place” White Southerners wanted them to be. Revived again in 1915 This time, they targeted Jewish people, Socialists, Communists, Roman Catholics, and any type of foreigner Membership went as high as 4 million people Trials and corruption caused the group to disband
Eugenics Movement Eugenics: The science of improving the hereditary qualities of a race or breed; trying to control the quality of offspring. Eugenics Movement: The nation wide gene-purity movement that promoted methods that was eventually adopted by Hitler’s Third Reich.
Who agreed with this? Many famous Americans believed in racial cleansing like Alexander Graham Bell, W.E.B. Dubois, and Teddy Roosevelt. Adolf Hitler ran with this idea; Nazi Germany sterilized over 375,000 people; in 1939 gave order to begin systematically killing mentally ill “natures mistakes”.
What they believed in The movement wanted to do away with: lack of foresight, rebelliousness, lack of trustworthiness, irritability, popularity, radicalness, conservativeness, nomadism, etc. The movement wanted a new social order where parents would have to be selected for the right to give birth to genetically produce superior children.
Works Cited history/textbooks/boundless-u-s-history- textbook/from-the-new-era-to-the-great-depression /resistance-to-change-188/the-ku- klux-klan / history/textbooks/boundless-u-s-history- textbook/from-the-new-era-to-the-great-depression /resistance-to-change-188/the-ku- klux-klan /