Order Coleoptera Kathleen Jonkers © Yxowert
Introduction Most well known as Beetles Coleoptera Greek for “sheath wings” Massive diversity Large variation in habitats Four suborders © Mousedeer
0.25mm to 20cm Wings Exoskeleton Mouthparts Diet Young larvae Antennas Compound eyes Pheromones/ Vibrations Mandible (grasping) Aquatic Characteristics © Enjoylife25
Evolution Successful Arthropod Hypothesised relation to Annelids Segmented body Open circulatory system Tracheal system Mouth parts Exoskeleton developed Poor fossil record © Yxowert
Did you know? Charles Darwin vastly studied beetles Specifically horned beetles Hypothesized males’ horns impressed females © Belphnaque
A Few Interesting Facts! There are 350, named beetles Some beetles like the “Ladybug” are considered good luck in some cultures The largest beetle is the Goliath beetle found in Africa, weighing up to 100 grams The smallest beetle is the feather-winged beetle weighing 0.4 milligrams Beetles can live anywhere from 13 weeks to 12 years Beetles make noise by rubbing their body parts together or tapping on a hard surface Diving beetles capture surface air and store it under their wing covers
References Brooker, R.J., Widmaier, E.P., Graham, L.E., Stiling, P.D., Hasenkampf, C., Hunter, F.F., Bidochka, M.J., and Riggs, C.D Biology. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., USA Belphnaque. Stock Photos & Stock Free Images. Access date: 07 March 2013 Enjoylife25. Stock Photos & Stock Free Images. Access date: 07 March 2013 Marshall, S.A Insects Their Natural History and Diversity. Firefly Books Ltd., New York.
Mousedeer. Stock Photos & Stock Free Images. Access date: 07 March 2013 Romoser, W.S., and Stoffolano, J.G The Science of Entomology 3rd Ed. Wm. C. Brown Publishers., USA. Santiago Zoo date: 07 March Yxowert. Stock Photos & Stock Free Images. Access date: 07March 2013.