Teacher Desk Smart Board/White Board Door Student Seating LCD mounted overhead Reading Station Computer access
Classroom Management Plan The placement of the computer access tables allows students access to computers when other students are working on additional assignments, utilizing textbooks, additional reading materials or Promethean board activities. Students will be able to work cooperatively at the table and be separated from the 2 nd table, where students may be discussing their work. As a result verbal noise should not be a problem for student learning.
Classroom Management Plan Students will schedule computer use online, as they determine their personal availability to work at the computer based on completion of other assignments. Each student may schedule 45 minutes per week to access the computer with a classmate. In addition, the student may schedule 15 additional minutes of individual computer use. *The teacher may disallow the student access based on assignment completion. The teacher will confirm and post the use schedule.
Classroom Management Plan When students are using the computer as a cooperative group, they should complete assignment and print the completed assignment or complete the necessary requirement(s) based on the teacher’s request Students may not use the computer for game playing, unless approved by the teacher If the students wish to use the computer for communication, it MUST be approved by the teacher prior to activity