How to Open a New Language in Web OPAC for Testing Web Screens Presenter: Yoel Kortick
New Language in Web OPAC 2 Introduction It is often useful to open a new language in the web OPAC for testing web screens The new language is not an actual “language”, but rather a set of screens from a particular directory The web OPAC screens of each language comes from the corresponding $alephe_root/www_f_lng directory (where lng is a language code) In our case the English screens come from $alephe_root/www_f_eng and the standard Ex Libris screens will come from $alephe_root/www_f_exl
New Language in Web OPAC 3 Why is this useful A problem may be encountered in the web OPAC It will not be known if this is a problem with the ALEPH web OPAC (programs and functionality) or a problem caused by customization of the html of the web screens By creating a language which includes the original Ex Libris web OPAC screens, it can be tested to see if the problem occurs on the standard Ex Libris screens. Standard Ex Libris screens will be used with actual library data. In our case this will be done by switching to language “exl” in web OPAC and seeing if problem is reproduced.
New Language in Web OPAC 4 The Setup $alephe_root www_f_engwww_f_spawww_f_exl English language local customized html web OPAC screens Spanish language local customized html web OPAC screens html web OPAC screens as the appear in standard Ex Libris version before customization
New Language in Web OPAC 5 Steps to create the language 1. Decide on three letter language Code. Add it to $alephe_tab/allowed_languages. We will use exl exltst-a20(9) >>cd $alephe_tab/ exltst-a20(9) >>diff allowed_languages allowed_languages.before.exl 84c84 < EXL FAN FAR FAT FIJ FIN FIU FON FRE FRI FRM FRO FUL --- > FAN FAR FAT FIJ FIN FIU FON FRE FRI FRM FRO FUL
New Language in Web OPAC 6 Steps to create the language 2. Make a directory under $alephe_root which will be a “brother” to the other web OPAC language screens Make a sub directory for the icons Create a directory for the ALEPH headers (error and other messages) in the corresponding language Here it is for new language “exl” exltst-a20(9) >>mkdir $alephe_root/www_f_exl exltst-a20(9) >>mkdir $alephe_root/www_f_exl/icon exltst-a20(9) >>mkdir $aleph_root/error_exl
New Language in Web OPAC 7 Steps to create the language 3. Copy the web OPAC screens from original version to the www_f_exl directory This is the whole point We want to have a directory containing the original screens and nothing customized. The standard screens are usually in directory $aleph_dev/alephe/www_f_eng/ Sometimes (depending on installation) the standard screens are in $aleph_dev/alephe.orig/www_f_eng/ The above directory also contains the sub directory of the icons The above directory also contains a “brother” directory of the ALEPH headers.
New Language in Web OPAC 8 Steps to create the language exltst-a20(9) >>cd $alephe_root exltst-a20(9) >>cp -pR $aleph_dev/alephe.orig/www_f_eng/* www_f_exl/ exltst-a20(9) >>cd $aleph_root exltst-a20(9) >>cp -pR $aleph_dev/aleph.orig/error_eng/* error_exl/ exltst-a20(9) >>cd $alephe_root exltst-a20(9) >>cp -pR $aleph_dev/alephe/www_f_eng/* www_f_exl/ exltst-a20(9) >>cd $aleph_root exltst-a20(9) >>cp -pR $aleph_dev/aleph/error_eng/* error_exl/
New Language in Web OPAC 9 Steps to create the language Note: The directory $aleph_dev is the “ a tree ” $aleph_dev/alephe contains the “ original ” alephe_root before customization to the libraries $aleph_dev/alephe contains updates from the service packs
New Language in Web OPAC 10 Steps to create the language 4. Define in $alephe_root/aleph_start the new ALEPH headers directory which we created Edit the file $alephe_root/aleph_start and add line: Add the following line to $alephe_root/aleph_start setenv alephe_error_exl $alephe_dev/alephe/error_exl Source the aleph_start file exltst-a20(9) >>cd $alephe_root exltst-a20(9) >>source aleph_start
New Language in Web OPAC 11 Steps to create the language 5. Define option to use new language interface in files option-lng (for guest) and option-lng-session (for user who logged in) If you do not want end user to see this option then do not add it, and then you will need to change URL to arrive to screen (explained in detail later). If you do change the option-lng-* screens they should be changed for all existing languages so that you can arrive to the exl screens from any existing language.
New Language in Web OPAC 12 Steps to create the language Here is the link in file $alephe_root/www_f_eng/option-lng*:
New Language in Web OPAC 13 Steps to create the language Here is the link in the web:
New Language in Web OPAC 14 Steps to create the language 6. Define the new language in the apache definitions: exltst-a20(9) >>cd $alephe_root/apache/htdocs/$alephe_root exltst-a20(9) >>mkdir www_f_exl exltst-a20(9) >>cd $alephe_root/apache/htdocs/$alephe_root/www_f_exl exltst-a20(9) >>ln -s $alephe_root/www_f_exl/icon icon
New Language in Web OPAC 15 Steps to create the language 7. Copy English language tables to new language code. The script in the following slide will copy every file which ends with.eng to the same file ending with.exl. For a different language change “exl” to something else. The script works on usm libraries. For a different library change “usm” to something else. This script does not do directory pc_tab/catalog because we are only dealing with web files.
New Language in Web OPAC 16 Steps to create the language set crd = `pwd` foreach directory ($alephe_tab $usm01_dev/usm01/tab $usm10_dev/usm10/tab $usm30_dev/usm30/tab $usm40_dev/usm40/tab $usm50_dev/usm50/tab $usm60_dev/usm60/tab) cd $directory foreach f (*.eng) set new_file = `echo $f:r.exl` if (! -f $new_file) then cp -p $f $new_file endif end cd $crd
New Language in Web OPAC 17 Steps to create the language 8. Add the new language to each path_convert. The script in the next slide will add language exl to each path convert and save the original path convert with extension “no_exl”. For a different language change “exl” to something else. The script works on usm libraries. For different libraries change “usm” to something else.
New Language in Web OPAC 18 Steps to create the language set crd = `pwd` foreach directory ($alephe_tab $usm01_dev/usm01/tab $usm10_dev/usm10/tab $usm30_dev/usm30/tab $usm40_dev/usm40/tab $usm50_dev/usm50/tab $usm60_dev/usm60/tab) cd $directory if (-f path_convert) then cp path_convert path_convert.no_exl grep eng path_convert.no_exl | sed "s/eng/exl/g" >> path_convert endif end cd $crd
New Language in Web OPAC 19 Steps to create the language 9. If necessary, in file $alephe_tab/tab_base.exl specify that you want screens with no suffix (in case there are customized screens there for whatever reason). This might not be necessary. File tab_base.exl was copied from tab_base.eng, and may have already been defined to also work with screens with no suffix. Note: particular screens such as base-list-include will need to be configured. When this is the case only the base names (or field names in other cases) should be added/changed. No changing to the html should be done, that will defeat the whole purpose of using the origional screens.)
New Language in Web OPAC 20 Using the new language To use the new language either: Choose “options > change language” in the web OPAC and choose the new language This will work if you chose to edit file option-lng and option-lng-session Change URL manually to use new language
New Language in Web OPAC 21 Using the new language - examples For EXL language search For EXL language scan For English language search For English language scan
New Language in Web OPAC 22 Using the new language - examples After setting up the system as described here the library can: Search as normal in regular library to use customized screens Search in EXL language to see how the system behaves with standard Ex Libris screens. In this way when a problem is encountered it can be easily identified if the problem is resulting from OPAC html customization or not.