Regional labour market dynamics and the gender employment gap Economic Geography Faculty of Spatial Sciences University of Groningen Inge Noback
Aim To get insight in the regional variation of the gender specific labour market participation
Part-time Employment 2004
Conceptual model Decision/preference Work full-time Work part-time No paid work Female labour market participation REGIONAL STRUCTURE -Job supply -Wages -Sectoral structure -Acces to transport -Childcare facilities -Urban structure -Dimensions of regional culture MACRO CHOICE SET -Household -Children -Education -Age -Residence -Commuting behaviour -Individual values MICRO
Methodology Data Estimating model –Dependent variable net female participation Analyses longitudinal data focussing on transitions using the concept of ‘Transitional labour market transition’ Schmid (2002)
Conceptual model Decision/preference Work full-time Work part-time No paid work Female labour market participation REGIONAL STRUCTURE -Job supply -Wages -Sectoral structure -Acces to transport -Childcare facilities -Urban structure -Dimensions of regional culture MACRO CHOICE SET -Household -Children -Education -Age -Residence -Commuting behaviour -Individual values MICRO
Questions Cross-sectional data and spatial auto correlation Longitudinal data and geographical scale