2006 WCVI National Exit Poll Results Final Weighted National Results November 20, 2006
Methodology The William C. Velásquez Institute (WCVI) conducted an exit poll to measure how Latinos voted during the November 2006 General elections. The survey was administered by trained interviewers in both English and Spanish. WCVI pollsters interviewed 1,215 Latino voters in 53 Texas precincts in 8 states (Florida, Arizona, New Mexico, California, Texas, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois), which comprise 82% of all registered Latino voters. The sample was designed to cover 82% of all Latino voters in the country. Precincts from 5% to 100% of registered Latino voters were included in the sample. The design is a stratified, two-stage, probability-based sample. Precincts were included in the universe if they met minimum levels with respect to number and percentage of Latino voters. Precincts were then stratified by geography and percent Latino voter population. The voter’s poll touched on issues especially relevant to the Latino community which where either represented in the November election or are subject of on going local and national debate. The margin of error for this study is + 2.8%. Results may not add up to 100% due to rounding. Margin of error higher for subgroups.
Methodology (contd.) Simultaneously, WCVI also conducted separate exit surveys of Latino voters in California & Florida. WCVI Pollsters conducted 751 exit interviews in California, 431 exit interviews in Florida and 484 exit interviews in Texas. Each state survey duplicated the methodology of the national survey. The margin of error for California was +/- 3.6%. The margin of error for Florida was +/- 4.0%. The margin of error for Texas was +/- 3.8%. Margin of error for both state surveys higher for subgroups.
2006 WCVI National Exit Poll Topline Results of Latino Voters
Source: 2006 WCVI Exit Poll
2006 WCVI National Exit Poll Comparison of 2006 & 2004 National WCVI Exit Poll Topline Results
Source: 2006 WCVI Exit Poll & 2004 WCVI Exit Poll
Note: Wording of Issue in 2004 is noted if different.
Source: 2006 WCVI Exit Poll & 2004 WCVI Exit Poll
2006 WCVI National Exit Poll Crosstab of Latino Voters : Native Born vs. Foreign Born
Source: 2006 WCVI Exit Poll
2006 WCVI National Exit Poll Crosstab of Latino Voters : Issues Crosstab
Source: 2006 WCVI Exit Poll
2006 WCVI California, Florida, & Texas State Exit Polls Topline Results of Latino Voters
Source: 2006 WCVI Exit Poll