I can imitate a writer’s style and structure in creating an argument. I can demonstrate comprehension of a text by answering literal, interpretive, and evaluative questions. AP Lang October 31-November 3
1.What is the repetition of the beginning parts of phrases and clauses? 2.Which syntactical device lists ideas but omits the use of conjunctions? 3.Which rhetorical device is achieved by placing objects or ideas side by side in order to emphasize a certain quality? 4.What is polysyndeton ? 5.What kind of sentence structure is achieved by placing the main clause at the end of a sentence? 6.What elements are contained in a clause? 7.What is a loose or cumulative sentence? 8.What effect might a writer hope to achieve by using multiple periodic sentences followed by a short, terse loose/cumulative sentence? 9.Which part of the classical argumentative structure contains the thesis, usually written in a “They say—I say” structure? 10.What is the exordium of an argumentative essay? 11.What is metonymy ? 12.What is refutation in the classical argument? On a White Board
Reading Check You will have 15 minutes to complete the reading quiz.
Write your own Declaration of Independence Use the graphic organizer to help you get started. Remember to follow as closely as possible the classical argumentative structure. That means that your thesis should contain two parts or sides—they say/I say. It is a “partition.” The confirmation of your essay should include a minimum of 5 examples of anaphora and a triad of rhetorical fragments. Place the refutation of your essay at the end, in the 4 th section of the essay.