Demonstrating and Promoting Best Techniques and Practices for Reducing Health Care Waste to Avoid Environmental Releases of Dioxins and Mercury Project Activities
MODEL FACILITIES Activities: Baseline assessment (at least one month) Application of modified rapid assessment tool Measurement of waste generation rate Documentation of waste management practices Estimation of mercury release rate Documentation of mercury handling and disposal Documentation of current costs for healthcare waste management Dioxin estimation Others studies (e.g., needle-stick injuries)
MODEL FACILITIES Activities: Promulgation of hospital policies General commitment to best environmental practices and best available technologies Commitment to environmentally preferable purchasing (including mercury phase-out) Required training on healthcare waste management Occupational safety and health
MODEL FACILITIES Activities: Development of a healthcare waste management plan Organization Defining roles and responsibilities Identifying environmental champions Stakeholder participation
MODEL FACILITIES Activities: Development of a healthcare waste management plan Review of baseline assessment data Technical and economic evaluation of waste minimization options Prioritization (e.g., early focus on sharps waste management and source reduction) Development of a written HCWM plan including timeline Allocation of human and financial resources Strategy for implementation
MODEL FACILITIES Activities: Development of a healthcare waste management plan Waste classification Segregation Waste minimization Containerization Color coding Labeling Signage Handling On-site transport Storage Treatment External transport Final disposal Contingency planning System of monitoring and continuous improvement
MODEL FACILITIES Activities: Implementation of the healthcare waste management plan Criteria for evaluation System of monitoring and evaluation Record keeping Cost tracking Photo-documentation Sustainability
MODEL FACILITIES Activities: Training and capacity building Raising awareness of risks, safe practices Training of trainers Periodic, multi-level training Evaluation Certification
TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY Activities: Work with local government, waste transporter, landfill operator, etc. Gathering site-specific data Technology specifications UN bidding process Technology selection Obtaining clearances and permits Site preparation Operator training Installation and commissioning Validation testing
TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY Activities: Ensuring the technology is incorporated into the healthcare waste management system Documentation of usage, maintenance, repairs, microbial inactivation, costs, etc. Photo-documentation Monitoring and evaluation Spot checking
Mercury Waste Management and Mercury- Free Devices Activities: Baseline assessment Mercury policy Development of a mercury plan with stakeholder participation Procurement and construction Training Monitoring and evaluation Educational and replication materials National conference on mercury
National Training Activities: Setting benchmarks for monitoring & evaluation Defining overall goals, outcomes, approaches, indicators for success, methodology, etc. Developing training content Collaboration with certification entity Finalization of training plans and implementation Follow up, support and networking Inclusion in existing professional curricula Sustainability
National Policy Activities: Review of existing policies Development of recommendations National policy review conference Agreement of policy updates and implementation plans
National Dissemination Activities: Announcement of project Development of awareness-raising, educational and replication materials and toolkits Targeted outreach to the health sector Media outreach National conference Follow up Sustainability