Communities M40 J12-J14 – Data Analysis, Modelling and Scheme Development
Communities Existing Situation – M40 J14 Early 2011 WCC was approached by Warwickshire Police and HA regarding queuing on the southbound slip J14 Surveys undertaken identified a significant flow from J14, turning right at Greys Mallory roundabout and heading south on the B4100 between Queuing at J14 is partly related to the high movement to the B4100 (i.e Jaguar Land Rover(JLR) and Aston Martin Lagonda(AML) commuters) and also to capacity constraints on the A452 Europa Way corridor 2011/12 a detailed modelling exercise was undertaken, schemes identified and funding secured. WCC are currently constructing the scheme, the majority of work is due to be completed early December, ahead of our anticipated timescales.
Late 2011 queuing issues on SB slip at J12 were reported to WCC. Traffic surveys and site observations identify an early peak hour for traffic arriving at the JLR/AML sites between Approx. 80% of employees originate from north of the sites and access them via M40 J12 or via the parallel B4100 route. Commuters to the sites make up 90% of the traffic on the B4100 and other roads in the vicinity during period. Existing Situation – M40 J12
Communities Significant safety risk commuters and other traffic on M40. Extant planning permissions, JLR equivalent to 2,000 jobs and AML 600 jobs. JLR/AML have no outstanding planning obligations to deliver highway mitigation related. 20% car share, WCC/JLR in talks with Stagecoach. Existing Situation – M40 J12
Communities 1 Existing Queuing Conditions
Communities What immediate action was taken? Interim Measures Temporary queue warning/ATM signs on M40. Relocation of signs and vegetation removal at J12 to improve visibility. Changes to lining and operation at JLR/AML roundabouts and at Gaydon roundabout. Recommendation to HA for anti-skid surfacing at J12. JLR commuter coaches from Leamington. Other recent developments include: Implementation of a new extended Stagecoach X17 bus service providing high quality, frequent public transport to the site. New JLR P&R service from Coventry.
Communities What action was taken in the longer term? Longer Term Measures Completed J12-14 S-Paramics microsimulation base and future year(2022) models which include route choice between B4100 and M40. Schemes considered included; Signalisation of the M40 J12 slips Link capacity improvements Junction improvement at Gaydon roundabout Capacity improvements at JLR and AML roundabouts Capacity improvements at JLR and AML security gates Lane drop on M40 Full grade separation Schemes were assessed in terms of feasibility, buildability, modelling performance and cost. S-Paramics microsimulation modelling software information can be found at:
Communities Modelling Information and Assumptions S-Paramics Microsimulation (latest version at the time). Dynamic route choice model – this means it can identify the behaviour of traffic and decision making on route choice. This enables the switching between B4100 and M40 routes to be captured. WCC has extensive experience in this software and ARUP assisted with model development and 3 rd party audit by JMP. Time periods covered in the modelling include morning peak and evening peak which covers the busiest periods in the area. Models are calibrated and validated to observed conditions and are well within the industry standard criteria set out in the DfT Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. Tested with growth assumptions to 2015(year opening) and An iterative process of design and modelling was undertaken to identify the optimum scheme within the cost and build constraints.
Communities Model Coverage
Communities Identified Scheme The area marked in red is being funded and promoted by the Highways Agency. The dual carriageway link from M40 J12 to the Jaguar Land Rover and Heritage Motor Centre entrance is being promoted by WCC
Communities Metres
Communities Scheme Costs J14 Costs and Funding £2m budgeted cost. Current estimate £1.95m. £1m successful bid to DfT Local Pinch Pont Fund which will reduce the burden on the County J12 Costs and Funding HA - £10m budgeted (Autumn Statement 2012) WCC - £8.8m. –£3m county funding. –£3.3m successful Regional Growth Fund bid –£3.3m successful DfT Local Pinch Point Fund bid JLR to fund all works within their site
Communities Risks Highways Agency element of the scheme now out of WCC control. Disruption during construction period. Ecological/environmental works must be completed ahead of construction, due there is a limited window in which these works can be completed, any delay could be catastrophic due to external funding timing constraints. Uncharted services and emergency utility works.
Communities Further Work J14 Scheme stated construction in August Scheme will be completed in December Monitoring and evaluation 1 year and 5 years post completion. J12 Planning Application submitted October 2013 Detailed design and tender. Model traffic management options. Environmental works early Commence works on site Summer month construction period. Monitoring and evaluation 1 year and 5 years post completion.